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"MAL" the horned woman screamed at her 10 year old daughter who was sitting coming with ideas for the graffiti she wants to spray around the isle.

"Really" Ana said, shaking her head at the purple haired girl. "What, but seriously they look good," Mal responded, shrugging. "That is vandalism" Dizzy exclaimed.

She wanted to do something new but was still thinking about what. "Yes mother" Mal said politely, showing her mother respect (even though we all know she doesn't deserve it). Mal knew that her mother deserved NO respect but telling her mother that would be like poking a bear (and not a good bear like from Merida's story). "I heard that you're the co-captain in your crew, is that true? Maleficent asked with no emotion showing in her face.

"This will not end well" Uma, Harry and Jay muttered moving closer to mal. Who looked at the screen terrified remembering what the screen was about to show!

Mal gulped before answering her mother. With the same emotionless face her mother greeted her with. "Yes, I let Uma have the title of captain," Mal said, not letting her fear show, knowing that it'll have bad consequences if she showed any kind of emotion, especially if it's fear or sadness. Or love for that matter. Maleficent's emotionless face immediately turned into a face full of anger and irritation. "You are gonna pull a prank on Uma and destroy your friendship. You need to be the baddest leader of all times.....just like me" Maleficent said with a pause before saying the last part.

"That's why you pranked her," Gil asked, remembering how angry Uma was the day Mal had pulled the prank. "Yup" Uma replied, popping the 'p'. "Wait, you knew she was told to pull the prank by her mother and still got angry?" Nate asked, confused as hell. "You'll see," Uma said, pointing to the screen.

She was trying to convince Mal into doing it but Mal refused. After arguing Maleficent finally got enough and slapped Mal and dragged her into the nearest hospital empty room. And a hand mark forming on her face.

Many gasps of horror were heard from the Auradon people. Many people on the isle knew that tho a was happening to mal but only a few knew how bad it actually was. Therefore what later happened on the screen terrified them too.

Maleficent took Mal's arm and slammed Mal into the hard stone wall scratching Mal's face in the process. Mal had her face and body against the wall while her mother pulled her hand behind her back. Maleficent was twisting Mal's hand to the wrong side, breaking it. "Are you gonna prank her?" "No"

"Why didn't you just do it? '' Uma said with tears in her eyes. The rest of the people in the theater were paralyzed. They were shocked to say at least. Hades was trying his hardest not to scream out of anger. Hadie hugged Mal even tighter and Ben looked at Mal with a puzzled explanation.

Maleficent took Mal's arm, twisting it even more. Mal's arm made a loud cracking sound. Mal's face showed pain and Mal bit her lips trying not to scream. Maleficent took an iron chain and chained her to the wall by her ankles, wrists and by her neck. As iron burned the fairy's Mal's skin was slowly turning red. After about 10 minutes the chains had burned through her skin and blood and were dripping on the floor and she was lying in a pool with her own blood.

Nobody said anything but only looked at the screen in shock and disbelief. Hades was both angry and sad but the flames in his hair said that he was mostly angry.

"Are you gonna be prank her?!?!" The angry horned woman screamed at her daughter. "I-I" Mal stuttered due to the pain. "Speak up" her mother told her. "NO" mal said sternly. Maleficent looked at her daughter, her face almost turning red because of how angry she was. "I see...." Maleficent said her facial expression changing completely. She now had a smirk playing on her lips. The smirk had an evil edge to it. Her voice has Cruella's insane sound to it. Mal shuddered as her mother spoke fearing what was going inside that horned head of hers. Maleficent kicked her daughter's stomach making her fall to the ground. She continued until mal was lying on the floor without energy enough to even bother trying to stop her mother. After a while of a lot of kicking and punching Maleficent took a dagger and started to cut her daughters arms along with her stomach and legs. Mal was biting her lips half of the time trying not to scream while she was unconscious the other half. When Maleficent was done Mal's clothes was soaked in blood. Maleficent took someone the blood and threw it on Mal waking her up. "What's your decision?" "I'll prank Uma" Mal replied feeling the pain from the deep cuts she got from the dagger.

"I'm sorry" Uma said looking at Mal, giving her friend a small smile. "It's not your fault" The purple haired girl told her old friend.

"Good" Maleficent said and walked away leaving Mal still in the iron chains. The screen showed as Mal stayed in the closet for a few days until Jay found her and took her out. You could see as he left to get Uma and Harry as all three friends were helping the purple haired girl. But then Uma asked the question they were all waiting to ask "why did she do this to you?" Uma sternly demanded an answer. Mal was speechless and didn't know how to answer the question. Should she lie or tell the truth.. which way should she go.....

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