My love, my Mammon

Start from the beginning

"You won't." I kissed his soft cheek, "I'm not weak you know, I'll make sure you stay yourself."

A toothy grin divorced his pink lips. "I'ma hold you to it."

A dozen beats passed until he opened his mouth again to vocalise something. "My urges, they like...stop when I'm with you. I know it sounds fuckin' cheesy but seriously, my body's just...calm when you're next to me." The raven-haired turned his head to me, almost like he was underlining his statement.

I couldn't step down on the brake for my joy, and cracked a big smile, "'re not just saying that to make me feel better?"

"Course not! You make me...feel invincible...Is that too cheesy?"

I shook my head as I drove myself into his arms, straddling him as a precarious stream of my own developed on my waterline. Mammon had made me feel so...loved, appreciated, even if fortuitous. "Mammon..."


I inhaled the musky aroma burrowing against him—and our hoodie—before extricating the words I had been desperate to say.

"I love you..."

The raven-haired bestowed his swamping hands on my shoulder, pushing me back to look at me sceptically. His eyes famishingly searched mine for a scrap of sincerity, but I was certain he would find a plate of it instead. "What?..."

"I love you," I expressed, with much more conviction, before he kissed me on the lips earnestly.

"Again." His lip moved down to the beauty mark a centimetre under my mouth.

"I love you!"

His lips travelled under my chin, and onto my neck, leaving hidden kiss prints, for the UV light to discover, on my skin.

"I love- ah-"

His mouth drew in the malleable skin holding together my neck, sucking on it as his moist tongue grazed it. My core was frenetic; it was beating faster than the speed of light. My unreduced body was dancing, in a warm, euphoric sea of red. What was he- A wet, obscene, pop could be heard before his lips attacked another neighborhood close to it. "Mammon...what are you- doing?"

"Kissing your neck."

"That doesn't...feel like kissing.."

An even louder pop told me that his lips were completely disengaged. He gazed into my eyes solicitously, his lips wet with desire. "Never had a hickey before?"

"No," I replied as Mammon perused me.

He gave to me a languorous smirk, "So, I'm your first?"

"Shut up." I punched his right shoulder lightly.

Mammon kissed the nibbled zone before gazing at it, "It looks pretty on your neck, you know."

I elevated my wrist to the level of my neck, the loose sleeve of the maroon hoodie sinking fittingly. I closed my eyes, conducting my vision to the black eye blindly focused on my neck.

"You can fuckin' see from that eye too?"

"I can see from both!"

The skin was still wet but drying, as through microscopic sandbags were placed on it. There was a red, coupled up with purple, dotted bruise on my the shape of a heart—just when I thought he couldn't get any cheesier. I pressed my burning face against his shoulder. "A heart?...Really?"

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