19. Acceptance

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~Crying to accept is the first step to healing~

Naleta kissed the triangle pendant she was wearing. It was an emerald between gold. It was not hers, but rather her husband's.
She thought she wanted nothing to do with him anymore when she left, but all that pain came crashing down.
She wanted him back but she couldn't have him, not after what he had done, she just couldn't face him.

-You miss him?-- a voice said and it come out from non other that Naleta's only child, Anala. She was standing beside the door with her pyjamas as she looked solemnly at her mother.

She entered and sat down, the room was dark since it was night but the aura of feelings was very readable. Anala was the only one who could read her mother's true feelings, apart from the Grand Priest.

-That book gave you too much knowledge, that you shouldn't have discovered--, Naleta said looking at her daughter.

-That man was to be my father. Although you shouldn't dwell on the past Mami, it's not good for you. Try to reconcile, maybe it'll /-

-I don't want anything to do with him!-

-At the very least forgive him. You should know him better than anyone. That he wouldn't do that on purpose, it was but a mistake--, the response the half Kai only got was a flood of tears.

She embraced her mother, letting her cry on to her. It was a touchy subject, and she had known it would cause this. But if non of her fathers were to speak the truth, then she was the only one to do so.

-Do you not have another family apart from us? They miss you. Who wouldn't? You're but a charm that befalls anyone you meet. But a charm shouldn't run away from reality mother. Nothing is ever too sweet and rainbowy, reality is brutal and hurtful. You just need to be strong enough to face that reality. I'm not one to speak because I have never faced reality, but to my future self, I would remember the words I say now--, Anala said with an unreadable emotion in her words, showing that she was serious. Dead serious.

At the end, Naleta slept soundly with her daughter by her side. Crying was the first step, telling us of acceptance. The next step would be partially difficult to complete.

Another simple conversation

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