17. Familish Bond

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~Ti's time to be gay~

-Dads! Dads!- a voice shouted making Zamasu and Black turn to where it was located. A 13 year old girl appeared from the hall way. Naleta was eating her breakfast in quiet as well as the two fathers when she came rushing down.

-What is it Anala?-- Zamasu asked as the girl sat dows and was served some food. A typical English breakfast, but the sources of the food coming from different species and different plants from Earth's.

-I found a planet. Similar to the one outside. Although it had landscapes and more! I found it in a book and I want to visit it. It has a civilization like you mother! They're called humans! I want to go there--, Anala said happily. She had never met anyone other than her mother and his fathers. And she wanted to see more people.

-That world is filled with filthy mortals-

-They have wars and such. And I don't think you'll like how the people are there-

-Dads I know you hate mortals but you're no different. Mom was once mortal papa Zami. I learnt all that from that book. And I know mortals have a tendency to start wars and survive on greed other than good. But do you think keeping me here without no contact will help me? I'll soon have a body count if that's so--, the girl was so straightforward it made the two Kais tremble. Naleta only laughed.

-What body count?-- Black asked.

-I know you're serial killers. You've killed children as well before. Maybe I'll end up like you if you keep me locked up--, the Kais gasped.

-H-how do---

-From a book daddy-

-What book is this?!- Black couldn't hide his shock. And most of all his girl is not even scared at the very least to know that her fathers are killers.

-Ti's the multiversal book. Its mine. But I hadn't thought that Anala would read so much in such a short time. Anyway I allow it. You should get some friends--, Naleta said smiling looking at her daughter. She was indeed very smart.

-Are you really sure?- Black asked raising his eyebrow.

-Yes I am. After all, she's now a teenager. She might get a partner. But I'm not encouraging it don't get me wrong. She just needs to be careful-

-Nonsense!-- Zamasu shouted.

-Oh calm down. It might happen sooner or later-

-I shall not allow that. No mortal boy will ever be that close to my child!-



-Who told you it might be a boy?- Anala said in a monotone voice.

-What?- at this time Black, Zamasu and Naleta were stunned.

-So you want to be gay?- Black was the one to ask.

-There are a lot of possibilities regarding who would be my love interest. It depends on what I like--, Anala said ending the theme. -I mean you two are gay-


-Do you think she's ever coming back?-- Vegeta asked seeing Whis holding on to the fenced bars of the balcony. He stood beside him.

They had formed an uncommon bond after Naleta had left. When Whis had fell unconscious, the Prince stayed beside the bed he layed until he woke up. The Angel cried again but Vegeta was able to calm him down.... Harshly however. The once in a while soft side is reserved for Bulma and the family they created.

-I don't know.... But I do miss her--, Whis said. He wasn't able to move on but he still showed a cheerful side from time to time if needed be. He gravely missed her.

-I do too. Even if in this time, I only knew her for half a day-


-How about.... Your father?-

Whis looked at him, --I don't know why you would ask about him when he was the one to drive her away.... But he waits for her return while he looses his soul. Even if its just to apologise.... I wouldn't forgive him-

-Whis, in a relationship there will always be complications. And what he did, I also once committed. Sometimes it's uncontrollable. You wouldn't understand, you're far from love. But in all, if Naleta is still there out there, I do believe she's forgiven him. But she somehow doesn't want to come back--, Whis sighed and looked back at the sky.

She always had a kind soul

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