A Tragic Tale and A Flaming One

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"Violet," De says quietly. "I know why you hate wolves but see the other wolf over there. He's my mate."

"O-kay," I say scrambling backwards away from the ever closer moving wolf. "While I respectfully disagree with your choice in boyfriend he's also not the one about to burst into flames!"

"Lucas," warns De. "I wouldn't push her to farr..." The wolf huffs at her and continues his approach.

"Sorry De," I mutter before flinging my hand out at the oncoming wolf.

The Big Bad Wolf

The first thing I can think is 'she wouldn't,' but the shooting pain across my back tells me she did. Letting out a yowl of pain I roll onto my back to extinguish the flames.

The whole stop, drop, and roll thing they teach you in kindergarten well it works. I can testify to it's efficiency after rolling on the ground to get rid of the flames that were eating my fur. After they're out I shift back to my human form to help speed up the healing and so I can yell at my mate properly.

She's still sitting on the bank of the river but I can tell she holding back laughter. Delilah has a look of shock on her face as she opens her mouth to speak only to take a good look at my face and snap her mouth closed.

"Were you trying to kill me?" I ask my mate walking forward and glaring at her as she holds up a hand to block out my nakedness.

"Clothes please," she begs. I'm about to tell her 'hell no' but the next thing I know I'm completely clothed. Dropping her hand she returns to glaring at me, "Next time I suggest listening to me and then maybe you wouldn't be slightly overdone."

"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" I bellow at her watching her flinch slightly at the volume of my voice.

"I warned you not to mess with me dog," she spits out standing up. "I told you to stay away from me. I CAN'T STAND werewolves!"

"Yeah well I'm not to fond I witches at the moment either," I growl.

"You kidnapped me and locked me in a room! Why?!" she scream throwing we arms up.

"Because- because-" I try to put it into words but I'm too furious to form any and I don't want to scare her off by telling her she's my mate.

"Don't bother," she sneers. "I don't plan on sticking around long enough to find out. And truthfully I don't really care." Her words of indifference hurt more than I think she knows. To her they're simply words to deflate my ego and make her appear less terrified than she is but to me they cut like a knife. She's my mate all I want is her happiness and love without it I might as well die.

"Violet?" Delilah says quietly. "You need to calm down."

"What is with everyone telling ME to be calm! I was KIDNAPPED!" Violet's breath is coming out ragged and she's starting to look panicked again. Maybe trying to get close to her was a bad idea. Delilah warned me to take things slow but I can't even get within three feet of my mate and it's killing me.

"Please Violet," I beg, something I've never done before. "Please don't leave me."

Her eyes widen and for a second I swear she looks like she wavering but then her eyes harden. "No. I won't stay and you can't make me."

"Violet please!" shouts Delilah pleadingly.

Violet jut shakes her head mutely and when I try to walk towards her she jumps back. My eyes lock with hers as she stumbles having backed up too far. Her eyes widen as she fall backward and off the back into the raging water bellow.

"VIOLET!" I yell dashing forward to catch her before she hits the water but I'm too late. She splashes into the water and sinks like a stone beneath the rushing depths.

I go in after her and manage to pull her back up to the surface and drag her onto the back. Both of us are soaking wet and coughing up water. Ivan and Delilah come over to hover over us.

"Well damn," Violet says coughing up water weakly. "I can't even throw myself into a river in peace."

"YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE?!" I roar. What the hell was she thinking she could have hurt herself!

She laughs weakly, "Maybe I did and maybe I didn't. What does it matter?" She's still lying on her back on the bank. Her eyes start to flutter close as she looks up at us.

"Vi?" asks Delilah dropping to her knees and leaning over Violet. "How do you feel?"

"De?" Violet says her eyes closing even as she tries to keep them open. "I really hate the cold. I'm cold and sleepy can I go to sleep now?"

I look down at my mate my mouth dropping open in shock at her vulnerability. Raising my eye brows I I've Delilah a look.

"Every witch has a vulnerability," she says quietly as I drop to my knees and gather Violet into my arms. "Hers is cold. She can survive almost anything but the cold throws her power out of whack and makes her like this."

"You're nice and warm," murmurs Violet snuggling agains my chest. "I like you..." She curls up in my arms and my heart almost stops. Where is the girl who set me on fire and screamed she hated me?

Delilah giggles as I stand up a sleeping Violet securely in my arms. "She's so cute when she's sleeping you'd never know how violent and scary she can be."

"Is she okay?" I ask stroking Violet's cheek. "Will the cold hurt her?"

"No," Delilah says shrugging off my concerns. "She should be fine once she warms up. Being cold doesn't hurt her just slows her down and makes her feel woozy."

"How do you know all this?" I ask as we begin to make a our way back to the house.

"She and I knew each other during the worst periods of our lives," says Delilah sadly. "We spent about a year mourning and helping each other learn about our powers an control them. When she left I was heart broken, I lost my best friend that day. I don't know if I'd have made it through with out her. Violet was always stronger than me."

"What's her sign?" I ask uncertainly. "What is a sign?

"You don't know a lot about witches do you?" asks Delilah a small smile playing about her lips.

"Why would I?"

"I'll let Violet answer your questions it's her sign and she's the witch you'll be with for the rest of your lives." she grins wickedly at me as she spots Ivan appear from the house dressed. "That is if you can keep her!"

I sigh as I carry Violet inside Delilah'a words ringing in my ears, if I can keep her.

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon