uncomfy- y ♡

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it was the first time yoongi was with jin outside of little space. actually with hoseok too.

the day after the "meeting" jin and namjoon had, namjoon hadn't opened the shop but he was there. so like any other day he happily skipped to work, only to have namjoon refuse to let him inside. the younger asked why and if that meant he was getting fired. yet he only received a dull "don't worry about that yoongi. you did nothing wrong. it's me not you".

that sentence repeated in yoongi's mind frequently, making him teary eyed every single time. that's what you say when you break up with someone and don't want to be the bitch. he was at fault. he should've known.

"hey bubs, wanna go to the library with me today?" hoseok sat in front of him, setting a plate of cookies in front of the boy.

the other just looked down sadly, refusing to look at him or the cookies.

"are you ok? what's on your mind?" hoseok worried, asking him gently.

i don't want to talk about it

hoseok nodded, noticing his puffy eyes and red lips. the boy didn't have his signature gummy smile on and his clothes weren't his colorful outfits. unlike his usual bright clothes, these were all black and baggy. he'd never seen yoongi look so sad.

something tells me the baby's not a baby right now

hoseok signed to him, a soft smile on his lips.

i haven't been able to, i just want to sleep

hey if someone likes to sleep it's me

you want to go sleep together?

hoseok chuckled, noticing the older's eyes widen. his hands shaking in front of his face.

that's not what i meant! i'm sorry!

bubs it's ok, but if sleeping is going to help you right now we can go do that

yoongi took in a deep breath before pushing his chair back and getting up. he grabbed his backpack and slowly approached the exit.

"jin! yoongi and i are leaving." hoseok yelled back to the man that cleaned the coffee machines.

"alright! take care yoongs, you can take a break tomorrow." jin smiled, also having noticed how gloomy his mood had been the whole day.

yoongi dragged his feet along the side walk, every time he wasn't in little space his life was miserable. he could see the world as the desaturated mess it is. he knew the world wasn't cupcakes and glitter. and worse of all, he didn't have the energy to interact with his caregivers the way he'd liked to.

he knew hoseok was a tired person, but he always tried his best to keep up with his cheerful energy. but now they were both tired.

yoongi pulled on hoseok's sleeve twice, making the other look at him as quick as he could.

seok, do you know what happened to namjoon?

his shaky hands asked.

he's just out, taking a little break. why? did something happen?

hoseok's eyes stayed on the smaller as they crossed the street. yoongi thought about what to say, specially without sounding self absorbed and weird.

well i haven't seen him in a while and very honestly it felt like he broke up with me

oh. was all hoseok thought. they weren't dating and he knew that, so why was yoongi saying it like that?

i think he fired me and when he did he said 'it's not you its me'

he fired you?

i don't know! but he doesn't want me anymore, that's for sure, i'm unlovable

hoseok stopped his track, pulling yoongi by the wrist into a hug.

"yoongi, there's no reason for any of us to stop wanting you. you're our baby and nothing is going to change that. specially namjoon, he loves you." hoseok chuckled, patting the older's head.

yoongi fought with himself. his little wanted to jump out at the words of his caregiver, but he didn't want to jump into little space. he shouldn't. he's not worthy of it. he didn't deserve to be happy if he'd done something wrong.

"let's go get some snacks so we can watch a movie, then we can sleep all you want." hoseok smiled, taking yoongi by the hand.

but yoongi didn't move, instead he stopped him by tightening his grip on the younger's hand. his eyes once more felt as if they were getting blurry, he tried his best to hold back the tears. not here.

"hobi..." his small and quiet voice whispered. "i love you."

hoseok smiled pulling his hands up.

i love you too.

yoongi sadly bit into his cookies, hugging chocomilk to his chest. he was very slowly getting sleepy, his eyes closing and opening over and over. hoseok noticed this, pulling him to rest his head on his shoulder. he wanted to bring comfort to the boy, specially now that he was in an uncomfortable situation. one where his little was getting hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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