friend- h ❀

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once again the day had started.

to hoseok, days come and go like nothing. at the blink of an eye it would already be night.

and so just like that, it was already friday yet again. he'd be heading back to the library to finish his homework and hopefully meet his friend, who didn't know was his friend.

he had really been trying the whole week to get close to him, but it was always a lost cause. the boy would run off afraid of him, or would just simply not get a word out.

so he made a plan. the boy didn't seem to not want him near, he just was shy. so he was going to talk to him in his language.


he was going to speak through books.

so as he finished his homework, the boy searched for a book and the other. looking for his sleepy eyes and expressive lips.

Until The Sun Dies

was the first book he grabbed. reading the summary, he scoffed in interest. a gay fiction. interesting.

he went to the back of the library, pretending he was looking for a spot, when he spotted the man he was looking for.

internally he knew he sounded obsessed and stalkerish about this, but one's curiosity can grow and grow uncontrollably.

"hey... is the seat taken?" he whispered, watching the smaller look up and shake his head.

so he sat down, making the book visible to the other. who was just a few pages from finishing his book. hoseok dove into his reading, finding interesting every paragraph of it all.

yoongi tapped his hand all of the sudden, and pointed at the book. hesitating on using sign language.

"the book?" the taller tilted his head before closing the book.

the name of the book?

the other finally signed, watching as hoseok's eyes grew wide.

until the sun dies.

he responded quickly.

can i see?


the boy's cheeks flushed with a bright red, as he opened the cover of the book. his stare darkened, and his lips trembled keeping themselves from smiling. he hurried to read the description and handed the book back.

tell me when you finish it...

yoongi grinned softly, finally inspecting the other.

you wanna read it right now? i'm not that into the book.

really?! i mean, thank you.

so, what's your name?

he went straight to the point, trying to find the other's weak spot.


it was clear to hoseok now, the boy was very picky with the people he spoke to. so he only spoke to the people that truly understood him.

such a pretty name for such a pretty boy.

yoongi's small fist tried to cover his growing beam of flustered delights.

i'm sorry if it seems to you i am trying to follow you yoongi. i just coincidentally see you everywhere i go.

don't worry about it. i guess it's not that much to worry about as long as you're not trying to murder me.

the two let out a chuckle. ignoring their waiting books.

hoseok caught on to little habits of yoongi's. how he'd tap on his book everytime he'd chuckle, or tucked his hair behind his ear everytime he complimented him. it was cute.

so, wanna go get coffee? we could keep talking.


yoongi fluttered his eyes, looking up at the attractive man amongst him.

so they did, yoongi followed him, conversing with him all the way to the place they were going to.

hoseok had finally got it, he had deciphered his epitome. now he had a friend.

a true friend.

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