paper- h ❀

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hoseok had not left his house the whole morning, tired after having went to sleep at 4:45am last night.

he'd obviously been awake for longer before, but this time not sleeping did him bad.

specially right now that he's trying to understand and decide the timid boy from before.

so to finally wake up, and try to take his mind off of things, he decided to go get the paper he had left with namjoon yesterday.

gathering his stuff and changing was tiring for the male. yet he needed to go pick it up. no matter how sick or injured he was.

right as he turned the corner he saw how crowded the store across the street was. so many people were stopping by, which puzzled hoseok.

he entered his friend's coffee shop, ready to ask about the miracle across the street. so right as he opened his mouth to speak, namjoon interrupted.


"i uh, i wasn't." hoseok lied, rolling his eyes.

"i can't believe turning down jin was like my worst mistake ever. you know i hate admitting that." the taller just kept ranting to him.

concerned for his own health.

"well, if you did it you did it. if it didn't seem like a good idea to hire him, then maybe it was for the better. maybe it wouldn't have worked out." hoseok defended.

by now this jin conversation was normal, and it was something namjoon wasn't going to stop.

this guy appearing was so damn sudden, so why was namjoon worried about it?

"hey do you have my paper-?" the older suddenly interrupted.

"oh uh yea." he turned down so he could grab it, from under the counter.

hoseok sighed in relief.

"gosh, thanks for keeping it safe." hoseok hid it in a book he had carried around.

"what even is it?"

hoseok took it out again, just to show namjoon his unfinished homework.

on the sides small doodles of two hands holding a book, two small chocolate milk cartons next to them.

"who is that?" he pointed at the drawing.

"i don't mean to be like a stalker, but you know the boy across the street? it's him."

namjoon gasped in ahh, made sense.

"i didn't finish my homework, I was stupidly lost doing that." a pout made its way to his lips.

he was disappointed in having left his homework for later, having put a boy before it. one he didn't know. one he most likely would never know.

"but first, we gotta find out who he is."

"tomorrow's monday. you can look for him on campus." namjoon suggested.

yet the boy was still a little hesitant on that. the boy was too reserved to just straight up 'hey be my friend.'

"i guess i'll try."

he hid again the paper, hoping it'd be safe until he was able to finish it.

coincidenceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora