weird- j ☆

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namjoon hadn't open his shop the whole week. so naturally, jin was concerned. afraid something might've happened to the man.

"yoongs. have you heard anything from namjoon?"

the younger shook his head.

it was going to take him forever to figure it out. he wanted to. he wanted, needed, to make sure the other was ok. why? he didn't know, but he had to.


the other stopped in his tracks, turning around to face the panting jin coming towards him. his eyes glowing with worry.

"hyung are you ok?" hoseok asked putting away the book in his hands.

jin straightened his posture and thought of what to say. he looked desperate, he didn't want to look desperate.

"i'm just... i'm worried - but not too worried- about namjoon. i mean he kinda disappeared and i'm just wondering where he is. but it's all business-! he had a deadline and he didn't show up so then i started to wonder where he was because he isn't the type of person to just not show up so i'm concerned but like not obsessed with it i just need-"

"hyung... calm down." they sat down at a nearby bench, while jin recovered his breath. "he's just out. like a vacation."

jin's heart dropped. he was... out? what-?

"it's just, i don't know if he told you but before he left we kinda had an argument." jin mumbled, scared of the judgement to come.

"what happened?"

"you want to do what-?"

"combine our cafes."

they sat in silence for a little more.




jin looked at him confused, only receiving a deathly cold stare back.

"but why? i thought it was all going good."

"because i don't want to."

another beat of silence.

jin reached into his backpack quickly, enthusiastic to change his mind. he was willing to do anything to get namjoon to agree.

"but look, i made charts, which by the way i hate making charts, about how we would both start earning actual money if we work together together."

"i said no."

he shot another death stare at jin, anger filling his face.

"i don't understand why. i mean haven't i done enough already so you can trust me?"

"jin." he raised his voice, stern.

"what?" the other talked back, frustrated as well.

namjoon slammed his hands on the table, standing up as quick as he could. words angrily flowing out of his mouth.

"i'm not closing my father's shoppe for some stupid idea. he worked hard to buy it, he worked hard to keep it alive, he worked hard... too hard for you to kill it in seconds!"

jin, insulted, imitated his reaction not knowing what to say back.

"i never said we'd close down your shoppe."

"but you were going there."

"well..." jin scoffed. "it's not my fault you've done a bad job at keeping your father's so called "hard work" alive!"

"take it back."

they screamed at each other. their argument getting worse and worse.

"no! it's true that you're not even trying namjoon. look around you, you had the opportunity to hire me and fill this store with people. but you only gave up." his hands waved around, pointing at the cashier.

"very selfish of you to think you could single handedly save a coffee shoppe."

they both scoffed at each other, arms crossed. the room got quiet, both in an uncomfortable position, running out of insults and comebacks.

"why are we arguing..."

"because you wanted to argue."

"i don't want to argue." jin whispered.

"go home, we can talk about this when you've calmed down."

the older wanted to talk back, but he knew he had to back down. namjoon was right he was being selfish and needed to calm down.

"come back in two days, and we can argue again all you want. i'm just not going to say yes."

and with that jin was pacing out the door.

"it's ok, hyung, it's ok."

to hoseok this was really weird. jin and namjoon were starting to get along, and didn't have much reason to argue badly like that. now he was concerned too, concerned for namjoon, concerned for jin.

"i need to apologize to him."

"you will."

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