true -j ☆

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"so yoongi, how's life?" jin started as he sat down in front of the younger.

he sipped on a smoothie, the mixed colors of pink and purple lowering as he slurped his drink.

alright, i guess, yesterday i took a test for next semester.

"oh really? how'd that go?"

i dunno, i don't think i did very well, but i studied.

"think positive, i'm sure you did great." jin encouraged.

yoongi's cheeks grew warm, somewhat losing him in his dream world again. soon enough hoseok interrupted them, sitting down next to yoongi with 3 books.

"just got back from the library, and i brought you some books." his voice was breathy, and little drops of sweat started to dry on his forehead.

"hot day out?" the oldest asked with a chuckle.

"yup, i ran all the way up here too." his head fell onto the table lightly, as he kept trying to catch his breath.

yoongi kept his stare on hoseok's brown locks. all of the sudden he was lost again, as if he had skipped a few chapters.

as hoseok spoke with the librarian, a book another girl had in her hands caught his attention. as he couldn't drift his eyes off of it, he finally decided to ask about it.

"ah yes! it's an old book here, it was a big success when it came out, and people started stealing it. i think that's the last copy we have here." she answered without hesitation.

"is it by any chance checked out yet?"

"no, not that i know of." the lady smirked as she noticed his fingers tapping on the table.

'yoongi might like it.'

"if you want to, i can save it for you after she's done with it." the lady's words made his eyes dart back at her.

in a matter of seconds at the corner of his eye, hoseok watched as the girl stood up and left to search for another book. he knew as long as no one saw him everything would be fine. right?

all of a sudden hoseok found himself speed walking through the streets, trying to go unnoticed by the people around and...

"hey! come back you stole my book!" he heard the voice shout, making him tense up.

"it's not yours! it's the library's!"

with that he took off running, being followed for quite the time.

now he was sitting with his friends panting, after having run for possibly nothing. it was probably the craziest thing he's done, and also the stupidest. and all for a boy, what a change. as the small sound of something tapping the table awoke him, his head lifted and his blurry vision set in the drink amongst him.

jin was now lost on his phone, ignoring the tired and worn out boy in front of him. it was out of the usual for him to show up like this, but he isn't going to question it. he had important stuff to worry about.

"so jin," namjoon's voice resonated through his head. "what's the plan for next week, i heard miss lee is going on a business trip."

his eyes didn't wander off his phone, instead they remained fixed to the screen.

"she actually wanted me to talk to you about something. let's have a meeting tomorrow at 5pm ok?" his words came unexpectedly.

it seemed serious, but namjoon was willing to take it.

"ok, i mean tomorrow is friday, i guess we can close the shop early. yoongi can you be-"

"no just you and i."

everything that jin said was surprising, every word worst than the other.

"we might need to break the colab."

and there it was. the last drop that made the glass spill.

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