Chapter 10: Making Monsters

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Katsuki watched in surprise as the battle before him raged.

Izuku had been breaking his fingers in retaliation to the assault of ice attacks that Todoroki was sending toward him.

Izuku's hands trembled launching another air blast sending Todoroki backwards as the boy slid.

Izuku's power was insane, it was unbelievable that he had that kind of power.

That's disregarding the fact that he told him it was something he had gotten.

Katsuki watched and almost winced as he watched Izuku clench his fist in front of Todoroki.

"You haven't even landed a single hit on me!"

Izuku yelled out while Todoroki breathed in and out as he gritted his teeth.

Izuku trembled again as he stepped toward Todoroki.

"Holding yourself back in this fight because you hate your left side, isn't an excuse!"

Izuku yelled out as Todoroki looked at the boy while breathing in and out frost covering his arm.

"It's your power! Not his!"

Izuku cried out as Todoroki's face gave Izuku a look while the frost on his arm started to melt away.

"It's ok... for you to be whoever you want to be..."

Izuku said while the heat intensified from the other side where Todoroki had a shocked look on his face.

Todoroki then looked down as flames bursted from the left side of his body nearly cloaking the boy

Ice shot out from his other side as he looked at Izuku with a weird smile on his face.

"Helping your enemy... And you said I was screwing around..."

Shoto said while Izuku's eyes widened.

"Midoriya... You are one crazy guy."

Todoroki said as Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the flames coming from Todoroki huffing at the sight.


Endeavor suddenly yelled from the stadium causing the audience to look toward the blazing man.

"This is your truth! I knew you were the one to fulfill my desires! Now show them!"

Endeavor yelled toward the boy who ignored him keeping his focus strictly on his oppenent.

'Is he trying to save Young Todoroki?'

All Might thought to himself while he looked toward the mangled green haired boy.

"Don't regret this."

Todoroki said as he lifted his right hand sending a giant wave of ice toward Izuku.

'I gotta get close!'

Izuku thought pumping power into his legs before he jumped flying over the incoming wave.

Launching himself with the price of his legs as he flew toward Todoroki.

Todoroki placed his palm out while the heat around it melted the ice that had form behind him instantly.

Izuku in return clenched his fist hard enough to cause it to bleed readying another attack.

Cementoss ran out onto the field as he quickly put his hands down to the ground creating cement barriers between the two.

'I'm not going to be fast enough!'

Midnight said tearing at the sleeve of her costume while the concrete wall were forming.

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