Chapter 3: Loser

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Katsuki stood in front of the door to the classroom that had a big 1-A on it as if it was made for the blind, way to let someone know that they made it to the right classroom.

Katsuki shrugged as he opened the door taking in the air that filled it.

This classroom was way fancier than the one in Aldera, the room was way brighter too.

This school was way too fancy for its own good. It made him almost uncomfortable being here, alas he was here and he would make every second count.

Katsuki peered to his left spotting a dark black haired girl organizing her desk with a straight face, she looked like a snood, exactly the type that would attend this school he couldn't wait to wipe that proud look off of her face.

So far everything was going as Katsuki was expecting it to go, fancy classrooms, snoody students.

6 months was going to be cake.

"Excuse me."

A voice said as Katsuki turned toward it, spotting a taller boy he had had blue hair with serious eyes that were wearing glasses, the smile that he had on his face was almost sickening and what the hell was up with his air chopping?

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Tenya Iida from Kouhei Private Academy, may I ask what your name is?" Tenya asked as Katsuki stared blankly back at him.

"None of your business, Four Eyes."

Katsuki said as Tenya had a shocked look on his face. "Oh, you must not be a morning person! Understandable, It'll be an adjustment but I'll do my best to accommodate you!" Tenya said as Katsuki huffed.

"Look Four Eyes, it isn't about me being a morning person or not. I seriously don't care about you or the massive stick you have up your ass, in other words... piss off." Katsuki said with a growl as Tenya pushed his glasses up.

"I can tolerate many things... but use of foul language isn't one of them!"

Iida yelled as Katsuki sat down in a desk and kicked his feet up, "Boo fucking hoo, Glasses." Katsuki said as Tenya began to fume, other students were making their way into the classroom as Tenya chopped the air with his hand fiercely.

"My name is Tenya Iida! And take your feet off of the desk that is school property!"

Tenya yelled as Katsuki gave him a wry look, "I don't remember asking you your name again, it's nothing worth remembering. Didn't I tell you to piss off?" Katsuki said as Tenya was reaching his boiling point repeatedly chopping the air.

"Of course it's worth remembering I'm your classmate after all! And would you please take your feet off of the desk, this was the place our senior respected before us!" Tenya yelled as Katsuki smirked at the boy.

"Or what? You gonna make me?"

Katsuki said as Tenya was about to chop the air again, Katsuki closed his eyes and sighed.

There was no fucking way that being surrounded by idiots like these was even going to phase him even a little, this was too easy.

He had to repay that Rat somehow, perhaps with a quick death and a thank you when Katsuki walks through the ashes of hero society.


A voice said as Katsuki's eyes snapped open as if he was viciously woken up from a nightmare only to wake up in the 7th circle of hell as his head snapped toward the direction of the voice.

The 7th circle had a devil alright and it's name was...


Katsuki yelled getting up from his desk pushing past Tenya while walking toward the green haired boy wearing the same uniform that he was.

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