Chapter 9 - A New Day

Start from the beginning

"I don't get it. What's the point of lying about your height when you're as big as she is?" Meliodas asks. "Well, you're a boy. These things are sensitive to girls." You explain.

"As for you, Ban, twelve years ago, during the battle with the vampires in Edinburgh, you got unreasonably drunk." Gowther says. "I got pretty hammered and decided not to join the mission. I said I was sorry!" Ban defends. "But you didn't apologize for using Physical Hunt to steal away King and Diane's power, or for laughing at them as you watched them struggle." Gowther finishes and starts to clean his glasses. Ban spits out his drink, while you struggle to hold in your laugh. "Oh, so that's why I couldn't muster up any strength that day!" Diane yells. "That was you?!" King yells. "Hey, it was a long time ago. Forgive and forg--" He was cut off by Diane picking him up and squishing him with her hand. "Hey, it wasn't my finest moment, but I don't deserve this!" Ban says, trying to get out of Diane's grasp. "Y/N..." Gowther says, getting your attention, as well as everyone else's. "Go ahead. I ain't got nothing to hide." You say, confident. "You were blamed for your parents death five years ago. You lived with a family member until they commited suicide since they couldn't stand seeing you. You have lived on your own for the rest of your life." Tears could be seen on your face, coming down like a waterfall. You walked toward Gowther and slapped him, hard. "You know, some things are better left as a secret." You say, coldly, not knowing that your eyes had changed color. You go inside and see Elizabeth, tears threatening to leave your eyes. 'It wasn't my fault and I know that. I don't care what anyone else thinks.' You say in your thoughts. "Y/N, is something wrong?" Elizabeth asks you. "Yeah, just Gowther being a dummy." You say, your voice shaky. "But, you don't sound okay. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. "Actually, yeah I would." You tell her. You both sit down and you begin to tell her about what Gowther said and what happened. "Wow, he is a dummy for saying that." Elizabeth says, angry at Gowther. "Yeah, the funny part is, I should be over this, but I'm not." You say, trying to laugh as tears spill out your eyes. Elizabeth hugs you and comforts you, rubbing circles on your back which calms you down. You wipe the tears from your eyes and thank Elizabeth. "Thanks." "No problem. It's what I'm here for." She says, smiling. "Do you want to help me bring out Meliodas's food?" "Sure." You say, getting the plate while Elizabeth gets the drink. You both head outside. "Hey, Meliodas! Your food is ready!" You tell him. "Oh really, thanks." He says. You two begin conversing, him asking if you're okay and whatnot, you saying yes and whatnot. Gowther analyzes you two talking and asks the biggest question. "Does Y/N love the Captain? Her voice rises in pitch and her heart rate increases by a bit." Gowther says. You blush from what he was saying, thinking if you maybe did like Meliodas. "Which doesn't really happen much when she speaks to the rest of us." Everyone glares at Gowther, but soon their attention turns to Diane. They know that she also has a crush on the Captain, so how would she react? "I've heard of this before. Love-something affects humans, as well as other species." Ban and King turn around to see Diane happily sleeping away from being too drunk. They sigh in relief, glad that a village won't have to suffer from one of her outbursts. "I'm....gonna go back inside, okay?" You say. "Elizabeth, come join me!" You say quickly, grabbing Elizabeth's wrist and dragging her inside. "Hey, wait!" Meliodas yells, making you two stop in your tracks.

"Thanks, you two." Meliodas says while holding up the sword. "Oh, no need to thank us." You say. "I was wondering.....what kind of person was Liz?" Elizabeth asks, sitting down in a stool with you sitting next Meliodas on the other side. "She was strong-willed, so we'd get into a lot of fights. Kind of like you, Y/N!" Meliodas says. "But, we don't fight." "Yeah, but you are strong-willed!" You blush from what he said and looked away from him. "But she was also kind and gentle, a lot like you, Elizabeth." "Oh..." She said. "You three also had a few other things in common." Meliodas says, groping both you and Elizabeth's boobs. You bonked him in the head and told him to stop doing that.

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