46: New Years

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"Their family's pretty much the richest one on earth, so I wouldn't be surprised if they bought the whole place," one of the guys' football friends said.

I laughed along, but I really didn't like that. I don't know why, but I don't like being connected to someone as being my family, which made me feel guilty as shit. I never did like that tho, and even if they're rich as fuck, I don't think I'll ever get over that. I don't want to be dependent on anyone. Every time I was, I got hurt, and I did just fine on my own.

"I really wanna kiss you at midnight," Jess said as we were sitting together with a blanket thrown over us.

"Oh really?" I teased, placing my hand on her thigh.

She was wearing a dark green top with a leather jacket she stole from me, and black straight pants, with gold accents on the sides. Her hair was on a loose braid, that hit her back, still framing her face gorgeously.

"I wanna kiss you too," I said with a smile growing on my lips.

We never really had a heart-to-heart about keeping us a secret or the other way. I guess we just had an understanding, that we weren't telling everyone yet.

"I really like you, you know," I said rubbing circles on Jess' hand not having enough guts to look her in the eyes.

She took my chin in her fingers and lifted my face to meet their gaze.

"I really like you too, and I think I'd be ready for people to know," she said carefully searching my eyes for any clues as to how I felt.

I think it was fairly easy since I started smiling like a fucking fool the second those words came out of their mouth.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." We all counted down with all of new york.

It was crazy seeing so many people at the same place celebrating, drinking, and talking with each other. After all the performances, the atmosphere was something I had never before experienced in my life.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" We all screamed as the whole light show started.

I turned to Jess and immediately crashed my lips onto hers. It was like I couldn't stop smiling around them, even, when I felt everyone's eyes on us.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Travis call, and we broke apart and started laughing.

"You two are together?!" He continued with his eyes practically jumping out of his head.

"Yeah," I smiled and turned to Jess, who was grinning at me with their signature smile, that I could never get enough of.

"Why are you guys not freaking out?!" Travis yelled as he realized he was the only one yelling anything.

"I knew."

"Yeah, we knew already."

"It was fucking obvious."

I just turned to Jess who was a little less surprised, than I and looked a bit more guilty, but their smile didn't go away.

"How many people did you tell?" I teased with a laugh.

"I just told Abby and Marcus was stalking me and found out," they said with a grin.

"My guess is that Abby told Manny, as she always does, and Marcus told Damian," she continued.

"No one told me I just figured it out on my own. It was so fucking obvious!" Damian laughed at Travis who still looked like he was just hit by a truck.

"Congrats you guys. I'm really happy for you," Manny said with his arm around Abby, who was grinning from ear to ear.

Eli BorrelliOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora