2.14: Party in the USA

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Monday mornings don't usually have a bright and early start to them, instead they usually involve me being dragged out of bed by Yelena and having to arrive to school hot and sweaty from trying to squeeze the 30 minute walk into a 10 minute sprint. Yet, today I woke up as soon as the first beep on my alarm went. 7:00am on the dot.

"You ready for DC?" Yelena asks excitedly, bopping up and down slightly as she hands me some breakfast.

I nod and stuff my face with the waffles, sneaking a tiny bit to Cheddar as he sits below the table with his chin on my knee. "Do you think I should bring my suit?"

Yelena nods. "That reminds me, I've been meaning to give you this new equipment for a while now." She hands two small devices, one that looks like an ear piece and the other that resembles a pouch of tiny darts. She points to the darts first. "Those are tracking devices. You just stick it in someone or something and you can see where they are at all times. It'll feel like a big bite and you can't even see them once they're attached." She then points to the earpiece. "This is like your own Siri. Just pop it in you ear and then you've always got someone to talk to. You can connect it to the trackers and it can tell you directions."

Yelena pushes them towards me and I put them with my suit.

Once I've finished my breakfast, Yelena pulls me into a large hug. Her familiar smell of flowery perfume fills my nose and I smile before pulling away and grabbing my suitcase.

"Don't get into too much trouble!" I hear her call down after me, but the rest of her words get cut of as the door to the stairwell slams shut.

My suitcase falls down clumsily behind me, making the quite stairwell echo with noise. I jumps down the last couple of stairs before quickly running outside.

After only ten minutes and a few dirty looks from pedestrians after tripping over my yellow suitcase, I'm at the coach with the rest of the group. I see MJ at the back, a book in hand and water bottle half open in the other. She doesn't notice as I sneak up on her, yet as I quickly poke her shoulders she doesn't jump either, instead she just turns around and glares at me.

"Seriously?" MJ raises a dark brow. "You almost made me spill water over my book."

"Yeah well I didn't." I retort, smirking at her exasperated expression. "Anyway, we've got more important matters to discuss."

"Such as?"

"Starting now," I announce, my voice raised elegantly. "Let us commence a week without boys."

MJ nods, trying to suppress the smile making its way inter face and holds up her water bottle. "Cheers to that."

Just as I lift up own bottle, a panicked voice calls out. Peter. I watch, shocked, as he runs up to us with a battered suitcase being dragged behind him.

"Wait!" He pants once he gets closer. "I, uh, wondered if I could rejoin the team?" Murmurs float around the group, questions about why he suddenly wanted to join back, yet no one seems mad about it; instead they just seemed happy that now with Peter, they actually stand a chance.

The only one who doesn't share the joy is Flash. He pushes to the front of the crowd, arms raised and face flushed with annoyance. "Seriously? You can't just leave and then come back, expecting everyone to welcome you with open arms."

Mr Harrison ignores Flash and pats Peter on the shoulder, a large grin plastered on his face. "Welcome back Peter. Flash, you're back to first alternative."

"What!" I feel a small twinge on sympathy for Flash but quickly stomp it out, knowing how horrible he could be.

"He's taking your place." Abe says from somewhere in the crowd, his voice laced with humour as we watch Flash rip off the bright yellow jacket and throw it at Peter.

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