Chapter 8 - The Fifth Sin, Gowther

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"Well, that was shocking. To us, it looked like you had some sympathy for this monster." King explains to Gowther. "Sympathy.....Was I sympathizing with him?" Gowther asks, not sure if he was. Ban and King look at each other, confused. Meliodas looks back at the armour and asks, "He was using your armour, wasn't he? Was he your stand-in or something?" "No, but apparently that's what happened. I mean, afterall, you did mistake him for me." Gowther answers truthfully. "Yeah, well it's not like we've seen your real face." Ban tells him. "Ah, so in other words, my disguise was not needed." Gowther tells himself, touching a strand of his hair. "Well, still I've seen a body like this before." Meliodas says, walking toward the body. "There is a faint odor wafting from the very depths of his magical power." Gowther tells Meliodas. "He was once human." "Huh?" Meliodas asks, surprised. "Human?!" King exclaims in disbelief. 'No way was that thing human!'

Suddenly, the monster rises. Apparently, the monster was not dead yet, shocking everyone, except Gowther. "Well, let's try to detain him." Gowther tells them, while ripping off the rest of the yellow raincoat. "Whoa, whoa, whoa....what exactly is going on here?" Meliodas asks, confused. "Like I said, the chaos would've been extreme if we went into a three-way battle." " chopped off its head but it's still alive!" King exclaims in his other form. "Yes, after all the head was merely ornamental." Gowther explains. "What part of him was once human, then? This is really weird!" King tells Gowther, while freaking out. "Naturally, he wasn't a normal human. That's the shell of a former Holy Knight." Gowther explains, looking at the creature. "The shell of a Holy knight?" King asks. "Surely you sensed it. Drifting like dregs below the mad torrent of evil magical power....That is the power of a Holy Knight." Gowther explains. "I had him wear my armour to suppress this power, but after repeated damage the seal was broken." "So that's what's going on." Meliodas says. "Well he doesn't look like the type of guy who just wants to talk." He says, getting into a fighting stance.

The giant roars and raises his hands, smashing them down and trying to hit the four. They dodge it easily and land away from the monster. "Let's do this!" Meliodas tells Ban. "Right!" Ban replies. They charge toward the giant and start pummeling him, forcing the monster to step back and regain balance and stamina. The 4 heads on the monster scream and punch Meliodas and Ban, sending them flying back. They both flew back until they hit King's pillow and landed on their feet. King chuckles. "Come on guys, when going against an opponent you should wait to see how they strike first." King tells them, while his pillow bear holds Meliodas and Ban in its arms. "Oh, shut up!" Ban yells at him. "It's so fluffy!" Meliodas exclaims, not paying attention. "Spirit spear Chastiefol, second configuration - Guardian. To protect against external enemies, the Holy Tree's own moss is given shape and sent into battle. Made of moss, its body can parry any attack and with it's high concentration of water, it's highly resistant to fire!" King explains, making the guardian bear go into battle. The monster took heed in what King said and one of the 4 mouths opened, blowing ice at the bear. The bear froze in its tracks and shattered when the monster punched it. "But I guess that means it's vulnerable to the cold." Meliodas says. "NO!" King exclaims, heartbroken. "Hey Gowther, it's your turn next." Meliodas tells him. Gowther is seen with frost on his face and hair. "My glasses got fogged up." Gowther says, annoyed while he took off his glasses. "You guys hold him off for a little while." Gowther tells them, while walking behind them to fix his glasses. The three boys are confused but focused back on the fight when they heard the monster scream. It punched toward them, but they evaded it just in time. "Damn, it's gonna be hard to fight this dude barehanded." Ban says, irked. "Guess we can't be too choosy with our weapons then. I'll take this." Meliodas says, taking a sword and shield and runs towards the monster. The monster notices this and another one of the heads spits venom toward him, but Meliodas blocks it with the shield. "Will normal weapons work on that thing?!" King exclaims. Meliodas enchants his sword and hits the beast. "Enchanted Hell Blaze!" He yells. The beast falls to its knees and screams in pain from the purple and black flames. "Black flames?" King asks, shocked. "That's...." Ban starts and remembers when Meliodas gave him his scar. "Captain! Just hit him relentlessly!" "Right!" Meliodas nods and jumps toward the creature. As he was about to deliver the final blow, a person in the middle of all the heads spoke, "Please....Don't...."

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