He pocketed the phone gripped in his hand swiftly into his jeans, yes, jeans. Rather than the prim and proper business slacks he always tried to sport on a daily basis. Mr. Corporate Hotshot was wearing those scarcely seen faded blue jeans with little rips in the knees, the same he wore the day out to the concert they caught together, paired with the usual stark white button up that the older became accustomed to and a forest umber brown fleece-lined bomber jacket that was fitted too well to his torso to not be noticed. Plus the cute little necklace he wore with a cute little spikey sun pendant on the end. Somehow, Hyunjin looked more relaxed and confident in this casual wear than he ever did in his business attire.

At this point, Changbin wasn't even bothered to come up with a reason on why he was focusing too much on Hyunjin's outfit.

Changbin was a simple man.

And Hyunjin looked hot.

End of story. No excuses needed.

"Sorry, hey, come in," The older startled out of his gaping, a light shake of his head rattling the rest of the lingering fuzziness away. Like cotton balls glued themselves to his brain and his thoughts, soaking up every little intricate detail of the younger that floated by in the air instead of anything productive. Like when his taxes were due that year. With the other unaware to him wanting to send a sledgehammer through his own head for not being able to focus, Changbin opened the door a little wider for him to enter, "Do you want anything to drink? A beer? Water? Need some duck tape? Some ice cream?"

"I'm alright for now," Hyunjin laughed his usual airy bubbles at the bombardment of question. He stepped inside and toed his shoes off at the entrance,  head already on a swivel as he traversed deeper into the unknown world, "So, this is your place? It's cozy!"

Changbin resisted the urge to make a snarky comment about how 'cozy' the apartment was, particularly about the fact he had to scrub dirt off the floors an hour ago because he forgot Jeongin shoved dirt in his coat pocket when he wasn't looking, about a week ago. He bit his tongue, shutting and locking the door as he sighed a fast, "Yeah. It's not much. Not nearly as nice as yours, but, it's enough for me. Feel free to look around and wander. I have nothing to hide."

The younger hummed an acknowledgement and a cast 'alright' beneath his breath, already busying himself with scanning over every inch of the cramped space. With a slight worry and nervousness causing his heart to drum, Changbin leaned against the wall and observed Hyunjin. Wandering by the thrifted couch, a familiarity glimmering in his eyes no doubt from the video calls they communicated through while the older lounged on the cushions, his fingers gracing over the fabric. Eyes chasing across to the television, the reflection that met his gaze greeting him with a friendliness. Then circling back, feet shuffling across the funky carpet with a smile. That smile widening when he caught sight of the unfortunate situation of the end table.

To be completely honest, Hyunjin looked so far out of place, Changbin would have thought he was a robber who broke in to steal what little of his lives fortunes were still around.

Where should he start?

Hyunjin was refined. He is refined, like sparkling cut edges of designer gems perched on high-class jewelry. He's elegant, proper, carrying a certain air of knowing about him even on the days when his tired legs couldn't carry him another step. That didn't disregard the fact he had a fun side to him; The silly jokes and cheerful smiles he pointed to Changbin, the hint of mischief floating around in the glints of his eyes. But, through that all he was still, elegant. Put-together. Collected. Expensive. Even if he wasn't wearing name brands or his tailored business attire, even if he was wearing worn clothes, he gave the feeling of pure money.

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