○ 43 ○

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He couldn't move.

He couldn't breathe.

Changbin stirred from his sleep, a heavy weight on his chest restricting his movements. Pinning him to the uncomfortable couch below.

With a light groan, he flopped a tired hand on the weight, palm meeting the soft strands of hair. He raked his fingers through the threads, murmuring in the dim light of the quiet office, "Are you awake?"

"Mh," The 'weight', Hyunjin, answered and shifted atop him. He rubbed his puffy cheek into the pillow of the older's chest, nuzzling a little farther into the his shirt, hands that bundled up on the fabric gripping a little harder down until his knuckles brushed along Changbin's ribs with a carelessness. The 'weight', Hyunjin, sighed deeply, his body inflating then promptly collapsing to push himself farther into the human mattress beneath him, before he asked with a soft mutter to match, "What time is it?"

Changbin peeped an eye open. Gaze first landing on the younger curled up on his chest; They had talked for a short (long) few hours the previous night on that couch in the dead silence of the office, hands held tightly together in their laps, shy words that seemed to slip into conversations lasting a short (long) while, until Hyunjin had began to flutter his eyelids shut. And both of them, deciding that the effort to drive home was too exhausting, promptly collapsed on the couch.

Which led to their current situation. The cool leather cushions pressing into his back as his neck crooned up at an uncomfortable angle onto the arm rests, wedging his head between the crux and the backing to protect himself from too horrible of stuff muscles already beginning to onset. His arms wrapped tightly around the 'weight', Hyunjin, laying exhausted to keep him secure and unbothered in what he wished to be unawaking dreams. His fingers brushing back the stupid little puppy's hair, trying to lull him to rest as they both attempted to escape the hold sleep had on them, trying to distract himself from the hands fisted on his waist. And of course, the puffs and huffs of air that made his heart flutter. Damn it.

He then lifted his head, and turned his eyes to the window walls. Wall windows? He wasn't sure what to call them, but he gazed at them next through the sleep clouding him. The world outside still a musty shade of mist gray; Lights from others wandering the city streets glowing gently as their color began to desaturate from their setting, illuminance of the stars matching their flickers beginning to die in the uneven tones of dawn. The sun yet to be seen anywhere in the sky, yet to rise from where it went to hide to allow the moon to shine, though a gentle hue of soft blue foretelling of it's soon appearance clipped the horizon.

Changbin threw his head back to the pillow and swiftly answered, "Too fucking early."

"I should get back to work," Hyunjin covered a yawn up with his hand, body trembling lightly to rid himself of the red in the corner of his eyes and the reluctance to his lethargic movements. He furrowed his eyebrows together, "You have a shift later and I'll have to be here to work, How are you getting to the café?"

"Uber. The boyfriend squad texted me last night and said they dropped my car off at my apartment."

"How did they...?"

"They have a spare to my apartment and my car," Changbin told casually, his fingers still threading patterns through the younger's hair, nails catching on the small knots that tangled in the middle of the night to undo them before a comb could rip him apart. If anything, his answer only caused Hyunjin to furrow his eyebrows farther together. The younger shifted in their hold, head lifting, chin balancing on Changbin's sternum to pierce a silent curiosity through his very being. The older groaned, "It's a long story. I'll tell you another time."

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