○ 25 ○

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To say Changbin enjoyed himself was an understatement.

To start, the concert itself didn't have anything spectacular happen. Changbin didn't know the headlining artist but Hyunjin mentioned he listened to them on occasion, so that was enough to prompt him to actually listen. And the music was good, he could definitely see himself adding a few of their songs to his playlists in the future. The headlining artist was fairly entertaining, they put on a good show that kept his interest piqued which was an accomplished and a half considering he spent most of his days staring at walls, the music was decent, but the best part about going to the concert was the company with him. Obviously, Hyunjin.

From the moment he met him at the boba tea shop that afternoon he had been nothing short of a phenomenon. They spent most of their time together talking, even when the music started, while their chatter died out to the bumping beats and lyrics to the song, they still managed to find time to talk easily between one another. Whether that was an exchange briefly between songs, or Hyunjin pressing up against him to whisper into his ear, each brush eliciting heat into his skin and more of that infuriating desire to just hold his face and his cheeks and pepper little kisses all over his face, or the full conversations they kept with glances and soft smiles to one another.

Amazing. Magical. Him and his stupid little denim jacket and his stupid little smiles, and the way he kneaded his stupid little hand in his stupid little habit against Changbin's arm whenever they were laughing about something, seriously, that little motion brought more tears to his eyes than Professor Snape dying in Harry Potter.

He had never seen the little puppy so happy.

After the concert wrapped up, based purely on time and distance and the fact that Hyunjin had driven them both to the venue, they both decided to go to Hyunjin's apartment. This was only decided on the aforementioned reasons. No other reason. Not any other reason at all, only because it was more convenient for them to go together to the younger's apartment than to go back to the boba shop where Changbin parked nearby. And if he was happy about the decision, it's only because he was happy about not having to drive home at the late hour while he was tired from a concert. Not for any other reason.

They shuffled into Hyunjin's apartment, shoes kicked off lazily somewhere in the main living room.

Hyunjin threw his keys on the couch, turning back to Changbin with a wide smile as he asked, "Did you want to use my shower? You can change into my clothes."

"That would be nice, if you didn't mind," Changbin agreed, a curt nod rattling his head as his brain pounded gently against his skull in protest to his entire existence. To it's own existence. He wasn't hung over or fighting demons, he just didn't have any energy drinks or caffeine that day and reality was beginning to catch up to him a little quicker than he would like to admit.

Hyunjin bobbed his head a few times as he shuffled away. Feet dragging low on the floor as his shoulders rounded off and his arms hung limply by his sides, the familiar look of exhaustion on his entire body as he gestured Changbin to follow away from the living room and into the adjoining bathroom adjacent to another room he assumed was the bedroom. The young businessman shoved the door open, murmuring to wait for a moment as he disappeared to the other room, coming back minutes later with a pair of sweatpants and the all too familiar hoodie Changbin hadn't seen for a few too many nights for him to be alright with, as well as a towel bundled up underneath his arm. He mentioned to wrap his old clothes up on the bundled fabric, but his voice was honestly so in and out of it that Changbin told him to go lay down.

Short after, Changbin eagerly stepped under the hot water, felt amazing as it washed away the sweat from the day and the light ache in his forehead, thought long and hard about whether or not crabs were more similar to spiders or lobsters, pondered about if it was strange or not he was showering naked in another man's house, eventually coming to the conclusion he really didn't give a shit and he wouldn't even care if the other was in the bathroom at the same time as him, in the shower with him. He couldn't have cared less. But not because he wanted Hyunjin in the shower with him, that wasn't what he was thinking.

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