○ 16 ○

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The television in his home buzzed lightly in his ear, infecting the corner of his mind as he spaced out on his couch. He grabbed the armrest behind him, his shirt gently riding up off the waistband of his sweats to allow him view of the unmarked skin beneath. The few places he hadn't yet touched with his impulsive ink decisions greeting his eyes as he spaced out and decompressed from the day; The naval and soft skin by his hips glancing back at him from the stripe of lifted shirt. He touched the spot gently as he mused to himself,

Maybe there?

He touched his neck and his shoulders.

Or my collarbone?

Changbin shuffled on the couch, grabbing his phone off the pillows before crossing a free arm over his chest, attempting to find the contact of the tattoo artist he wanted.

I wonder where he'd want it?

His phone vibrated in his hand, an announcement of an intrusion as his screen was infected with the pop-up of a usual contact, 'Crushty Toe Biter', that more often than not annoyed him to the other end of the world and back. A phone call, just a voice call. Not video calling, thankfully, because at his current angle he would be given a double chin and truthfully, he didn't feel like moving. He pressed the green phone to answer, swiping it to the side as the screen flipped to the call menu. He set it on speaker, too lazy to keep holding it up to his ear as he dropped the phone on his chest to talk with the person coming over the other side.

Before the other could speak, Changbin blurted, "I'm getting another tattoo."

"Huh? What?" Jeongin's voice peaked over the speaker of the phone, his loud tone flooding into the dusty silence of the apartment. The speaker crackled a few times, followed by a quick whispering of two voices before the younger continued, "Yeah, sure, I'll go with you if you want. What are you getting?"




"Sorry, continue."

"Hyunjin drew me a design that I like so I want to get it tattooed. I have some money left over from the last time I saved so it works out well."

"Oh, that's why he came into the shop the other day, right?"

"Yeah," Changbin answered with a sigh. He sat up off the couch and grabbed his phone from his chest to ensure it didn't slip off, holding the microphone up to his mouth as a sudden curiosity flushed through. He furrowed his eyebrows together. Glancing around the empty apartment, checking the corners for any signs of life whether that be a spider or a cockroach in the single space, he realized the younger called him for seemingly no reason. He hurriedly pressed himself from the couch, checking, "Actually, why did you decide to call me? Did something happen?"

"I called to tell you, you're a hopeless dumbass," Jeongin laughed over the receiver. He hummed, "Also, I'm at your doorstep. Open up."

The phone call ended, leaving Changbin to stand awkwardly in the center of his living room with his phone still in his hand. He threw it down to the couch, watching the device thump to a stop in the corner of the puffy pillows before shuffling away from it's abandoned form. Left to be forgotten between the squish of the backrest and the big pillows with their body-forming divots, left to fall between the cracks and never be found again until he needed to search for spare coins that also slipped between the cushions, left, to never be seen again until he had to make an important phone call and panicking when he wouldn't be able to find it. It's fine. As he stepped away, he told himself he would remember where he threw it. No issues. No issues at all.

Lavender Bubbles °• ChangjinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ