○ 24 ○

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Changbin slotted the key into the apartment, unlocking the mechanism before pressing the door wide open. He barely stepped foot into the threshold before he heard someone yell.

"I can not live, laugh, love in these conditions, Minho! How can I fulfill my suburban midwife fantasy if I cannot LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, Minho?!"

And the soft response, "Sweetheart, please don't shout. He's trying to sleep."

He scrunched his nose up, slipping through the remainder of the doorway and thumping the door closed behind him as he entered the apartment which blatantly did not belong to him. He glanced around the front hallway of their apartment; the three boyfriends, the three musketeers, the three stooges, the three Powderpuff girls; Gaping around the narrow passageway as he kicked his shoes off with the rest of the hundred pairs they kept stacked hazardously. He gripped the computer charger tighter in his hand before whipping around and sauntering down the to the end of the hallway to where the living room connected to the adjacent kitchen squared into the left corner of the apartment space. Based off his guesses from previous visits, that's where the voices were coming from.

To his assumption, he spotted them as soon as he slotted his head into the main space. Minho was statued in the center of the room, a slight smile on his face and his arms crossed tightly over his chest as he stared up at Jeongin, who was standing on their horribly uncomfortable couch with a spatula held up in his hands as if he was threatening to hit the older with the thick paddle. Which, guessing by the way he wiggled the spatula at his boyfriend while he shuffled his weight from side to side like a giant basketball player, smacking him was completely Jeongin's intention.

"Hey?" Changbin intervened,  stepping into the living space he glanced at the scene they created. Almost as perfect as an old Renaissance painting. Their heads snapped on his direction as he gave another once over of the living space, "What's going on?"

"We're having an issue, thank you," Jeongin scoffed at him. He dropped his spatula to his side as he scanned the older over, looking him up and down a few times, gaze lingering on his clothes as a sleazy smile started to spread on his features, "Babes, what are you dressed up for?"

"I'm not dressed up? It's just jeans and a shirt," Changbin argued to him, tossing his eyes down to the clothes that the other was referring to. It really was just jeans and a T-shirt. Light blue jeans with rips at certain parts of his legs, plus the crème colored T-shirt that sported one logo or another on the front and a funky graphic image on the back of a red motorcycle with a leather clad helmeted rider atop. Nothing super fancy and extremely casual, not an outfit he put too much thought into either for his small excursion out into the world besides wondering if he washed the shirt recently or not. For the record, he threw it in the wash that morning for a quick check anyway. And the bracelet. He never took the thing off.

If simple jeans and a potentially not washed for fifty years T-shirt was Jeongin's definition of "dressed up", his mind was going to be blown when he figures out what tuxedos are. Either that, or he seriously needed to raise his standards for what he considered formal and fancy.

Minho looked at him as well, his eyes coming to sail off the interest point of his clothes and instead focus down on the other landmark. In other words, the phone and car keys that were packed tightly into one of Changbin's hands, the other bundled around the computer cord he had brought with him to the apartment. His eyes narrowed lightly, eyebrow quirking up as he continued to stare down the tangled mess that was Changbin's keychain. Minho inquired, "Are you going out today?"

"I am. You don't know him but I'm meeting up with a guy, uhh, Hyunjin," Changbin nodded.

"You're meeting Hyunjin?!" Jeongin roared. He lifted the spatula in his hands, bringing it down to rapidly slap the back of his couch as he hollered in what looked to be excitement, "Is it a date?"

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