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"We have a problem."

"Another problem?" Jeongin scoffed through the speaker of the older's phone, his voice cutting through straight to the eardrum the earbuds were shoved up against. He complained, "And do not include me in your sad ass relationship problems, I'm soaring over here and you're sinking. There is no 'We' in this equation. You have a problem. I don't."

"The issue is, my caught feelings are being feelings," Changbin sighed to himself. He tried to speak quietly, seeing as how he was standing in the center of a supermarket trying to find something for a certain someone to eat in his break when the younger decided to call him, but he was still given odd looks from other people up to the point they realized he had earbuds shoved into his ears. When they realized he wasn't talking to himself, he was on a phone call. Then they stopped looking at him. But regardless, he attempted to be as quiet as possible while snooping around the aisles in case he would be stuck with any other wandering eyes.

"So, the date went well?"

"Not a date, but yeah," Changbin nodded, stopping in front of one of those refrigerator shelves where supermarkets kept fresh food ready to eat. Sandwiches, salads, and whatnot. He rubbed a hand over his eyes as he tried to not freak out from the mere memories alone as he retold, "When we came back to his place after the concert, he got a call about work. He stayed up and did his best to fix things, then went straight to the event. Right? He just jumped right into it and he was out there commanding all these people around and..."

"And?" Jeongin prompted him.

Changbin bit his lip and moaned softly, "It was the hottest thing I've ever seen someone do."

The line was quiet for a second.

Then a laugh from Jeongin came across, "You're right, you do have a problem, that's something a bottom would say. And last I checked Babes, you're not a bottom."

"Fuck, I know. It's weird. He makes me have mental crisis bullshit. Things like this usually don't get to me," Changbin kept ranting as he plucked a sandwich up from the refrigerator, scanning over it quickly before he deemed it was good enough to purchase for the other and if he didn't eat all of it then Changbin could finish it off. He wheeled around from the refrigerator shelf thing, seriously what the hell were those things called, and started to head towards the registers to pay for the sandwich, "But he laid in my lap and he just, he's perfect, what the hell?"

"Nice," Jeongin purred. His voice trilled over the phone, "Now make out!"

"I wish it was that easy."

"It is. Just smack faces. That's what I did. Both times, actually. The second time with Minho's permission, OF COURSE, but-"

"You're cute enough to get away with that. I'm not."

"You're right. You're not cute, you're sexy. Sexy muscles man."

"I'm not sexy."

"You're hot! Objectively, you are so hot! Not to mention, you're a beautiful person? You may act uncaring but I don't see anyone else going to the lengths you do when you care," Jeongin raged on the other side. He swears he heard the younger hit something a few times as he spoke fervently, a table maybe, it sounded more like a person considering it grunted a few times and said a quick 'Stop hitting my leg', which, Changbin didn't know tables could talk or sound vaguely like Chan but it was the 21st century. He grunted in protest, "What are you doing now while I'm covering your stupid damn shifts at this stupid damn boba tea shop? Huh?"

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