Ch-22: Skkrrt Skkrrt

Start from the beginning

You know what, at this point I don't care. After a while I'll be dead and gone and maybe happily living in the real world. This is all just an illusion. If there's a temptation, I'm gonna let it in. No more holding myself back. I can't get to do this in the real world.

I pinned him. That's right. I was gonna make out with him. I was having my Y/N moment and I wouldn't let anyone destroy it..... well except Jongho. He gained consciousness but the timing was so bad. We were shirtless and the stare he gave oh my God- I thought I was gonna die. Never have I been so fast, except when my mom almost caught me playing Superstar Ateez. I didn't bother to check how San felt. I just grabbed my shirt and ran out immediately.  

"Hey, why are you half-unbuttoned?" Hongjoo asked.

"Nothing important." I could smell something was off. I could smell blood.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I smell blood. Are we under atta-"

"No, everything is fine. I'm just on my period." she said shyly.

I formed an o shape with my mouth and I too felt kinda embarrassed. I mean I've had periods too but I don't think it's made anyone smell blood. Was my sense of smell stronger here? Anyways, I picked her up bridal style.

"H-hey what are you doing?"

"You should take rest during this time. Don't do much work. I'll make something sweet. Now in which room would you like to be dropped at?" 

"Oh Mister I would like to go to the dining area."

"Minsoo's transportation is currently working on it. Vrroom vroom vroom vroom skkrtt"


"You know, skrrt skrrt." I shrugged.

"No, I don't. What's skrrt skrrt?"

"It's just a vibe you know."


"Minsoo, check the gun powder and metal supplies for me, will you?" said Seonghwa.

"Oh sure!" I said handing her over to him.

"Oh but why-" he started asking something but I didn't pay heed as I had important things to check.

I opened the door to found someone already inside with a notepad and a pen. The brunet turned over and waved when he realised it was me who came in. We shared a few glances before we proceeded to do the jobs we were assigned.

"Uhm" Mingi cleared his throat. "Seonghwa sent you here?"

"Yes, he told me to check the gun powder and.... and.... I forgot-" I blanked out.

"It's okay I told him to bring you here."

"Oh? Any specific reason?"

"Ya, you were slacking off while I was practicing aim. You know you didn't tell the reports to Captain and that affected us in the attack-"

Ah he was just here to scold me. Not his fault, I have been not doing any duties as a boatswain. Heck, I don't even know what a boatswain does other than checking storage and stuff. I didn't really pay attention to what he said. I thought he would confess or something since this is a fanfic but oh I was wrong. I ask for trouble and at the same time I don't want trouble. God! Why can't I pick one.

"Are you even listening?" he asked after a session of pointing at boxes.

"Uh, somewhat."

"We don't have too many members okay. I know you've done a lot for us but you gotta do this also you know. Captain and San have a soft spot for you. I mean even Jongho and Wooyoung always support you. Earlier Seonghwa put you to your place but now even he's in a relationship. Also I'm sorry for Yunho being rash when he came-"

"It's ok, he was under a curse. The curse really ate up a lot of him and honestly, I should've been more considerate. I should be the one apologising."

"You know what leave it. Let's get the work done."

"It's funny how you were the one who said 'Can we keep them?' when we first came."

"I've changed okay."

"Funny you'd trust someone on first sight than after knowing them for a while-"

"Listen-" he placed the notepad and pen aside. "I still trust you ok. I just feel that you've changed ever since the Hongjoo was hospitalised. I know you're gonna change again but how can I be sure the you're-"

"Source? Trust me bro. I'm the same person you met on the first day. I was desperate back then, now I'm sensible."

"Sure, felt that."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"Uhm" he lightly coughed. "I heard that you once had feelings for me." he said looking for a non-existent window.

"Wait- Captain told you that didn't he? I'm gonna-"

"No don't." he said holding my arm. "I don't wanna create any more problems than that are already there."

"Thanks bro!"

"Bro, listen up, did you write 4 kg here or?"

"Ah, it's supposed to be 14kg. Might've missed the 1. I'll write it down. Thanks for pointing it out."

"Be careful next time! I got low key scared that we used 10kg in the fight and so we were less."

"Sorry bro!"

"Okay, that's all the tasks. Now just a good night's sleep and then we meet the masked man tomorrow."

"I still don't trust him."

"Trust him or not, he's still paying for the job so it would be morally wrong to just stop it like that."

"Ah yes, morally wrong."

"You don't seem too happy?"

"I feel what I'm doing with San is morally wrong but I don't want to break up with him. I didn't realise that abstaining meant breaking up with him. I wanted to experiment. I wanted to have moments with everyone you know."

"Even me?" he said with smile. I felt he was gonna tease me.

"Such a Leo-"

"Just kidding!"


"Wanna try out?"

"Bro, I wanted advice."

"Good boy, you're still sane."

"Shut up!"

"Don't pull something crazy tomorrow. The cromer is an object of great magic. We don't want to mess it up."

"Well, I'll be fine if he doesn't pull anything."

"Oh it's time! I need to check the knots with Yunho, talk to you later."


"What's with the sudden energy?"

"I can't say bye with energy?"

"I'm overreacting. Bye!"

Now I was alone. Would I really miss this place if I left? 

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