Prologue: I Die with No Regrets

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I was having a very normal day in school after the pandemic. It had been so long that I missed going there, meeting my friends, doing stuff like going to the canteen and all. I'm pretty sure most of us did. I lost the spice of junior college because it was destroyed during the pandemic. The only times I went to school were the exams and practical lab work. Now finally I was going to do the things people said they did during their junior college years. It was the last year but at least I could do it.

The reason I started out with saying that I was having a very normal day was because something very abnormal happened soon after my classes got over. I was face to face with Kim Hongjoong. To be honest, at that time I thought it was just a hallucination and was pretty sure that it was a hallucination since a few seconds later I saw Mingi, Wooyoung, Yunho and San. I walked back in the opposite direction since I didn't want to get involved in it.

"Excuse me, could you help us out?" Hongjoong spoke brokenly.

I looked back and starting running. I didn't even know why I was running. Why would I even decline the offer to help our atiny captain? What if it was just an illusion? There's no way they could be here. I ran through classrooms, then the basketball court, then finally to the basement.

"Why are you running? Why are you running?" Hongjoong said as I ran.

They followed me for a while until I gave up and sat on the basement chair. My school had cameras everywhere. If something were to happen at least there'd be proof.

"Thank you for stopping. You're the first one to see us. It seems like your other friends here cannot see us." Yunho said in Korean. That's when I saw that there was no one else besides us in the school.

Hongjoong opened his mouth to translate but I understood what he said so I replied in Korean, "Why me?"

"You know Korean?" asked an astonished Wooyoung in Korean.

"Just a little bit from dramas, songs and variety shows." I replied in English.

"Wow, amazing!" San said in Korean.

Yunho suddenly grabbed my arm and looked at me. I was very confused. First, they aren't supposed to be here. Second, do they have a visa? Third, why was Yunho being aggressive? He wasn't like this, at least not on camera.

"Recognise me?" he asked in English.

I nodded my head to opposite side to say that I didn't. The others seemed a little confused by Yunho's antiques too. Mingi came and pulled his hand away.

"Smart girl, is that why you were running?" he asked.

I had no idea what he was talking about but I decided to go with what he said. You know that feeling when you apply the wrong method but still get the correct answer in physics? That's exactly what I was feeling.

"You're not Yunho. You thought I didn't know that? I would obviously be able to recognise my bias wrecker." I tried saying as confident as possible.

I was actually Yunho biased but he wasn't my only one. There's like a rotation between San, Hongjoong and him. If I did tell that I was Yunho biased, I thought Hongjoong might get jealous. He acts like a jealous boyfriend on variety content so that's where I got my reasoning from. I didn't want to hurt the other members either. I couldn't tell them that they weren't my bias but it probably didn't even matter to them.

Anyways, Yunho pulled out a diamond and banged it on the floor. I saw some green lines emerge around me right before I fell unconscious. The lines felt abstract, I couldn't feel it because whenever I tried touching it, it passed right through me. I eyed the other side of the basement to see Yunho transforming into a girl with cat ears and a tail.

"A furry?" I thought to myself.

I'll be honest, I wasn't really into the furry thing. I didn't really get the concept of a furry. The only reason I knew what it was, was because I was browsing through reddit and coincidentally found it. I've seen comparisons of Yunho to a golden retriever but as a cat girl?? Who would've thought of it? If you're wondering how the imposter looked like, she looked like Lisanna from Fairy Tail except she wasn't that curvy. She was very skinny and the only reason she looked somewhat healthy was because of the puffed jacket she was wearing. I'm describing a lot for someone who is falling unconscious....

As I fell unconscious, I felt my legs go numb. My body felt so light, it was as if I was free falling. I opened my eyes to see the sky and looked down to see me actually free falling. This was not my idea of actually free falling. I thought I'd be in another dimension or in a dream similar how it happens it books or movies. Free falling into the sea was not my idea of waking up after falling unconscious. I fell in, but I couldn't feel the impact. I concluded that I was still in my dream world.

I saw a few fish in the sea. I was underwater. There was some character detail written on it. It was like somebody's profile.

Name: Yoo Minsoo also known as Kim Misoo
Height: 167cm - 176cm (Depends on situation)
Attractive point: Red highlights (as Minsoo) and Pink highlights (as Kim Misoo)
MBTI: ENTJ-T / ENFP-T (Changes with Minsoo and Misoo)
Strengths: Great cook, Shape shifter, Very energetic, High stamina
Weakness: Not good at handling serious things, Childish at times
Likes: Cooking, Hunting, Mint Choco ice-cream, Pineapples on Pizza
Dislikes: Black clothes, Piercings
Note: Pretends to be two people- Yoon Minsoo and Kim Misoo due to family debts.
Motto: "I never flop"

The profile was so different from me. I'm an INTP-T and he's well, two people. We were kinda polar opposites in a sense I believe. Who puts pineapple on pizza? No offence, I love barbequed pineapple, but on pizza? That's a no-no for me. I love piercings. I have 4 myself. I could relate his weaknesses though. Sometimes it's really hard to read the atmosphere. I suck at cooking. I can survive with the food I cook but I wouldn't say I like cooking. I've never tasted Mint Choco so I've always wondered what it taste like, especially since Hongjoong hates it with all his tastebuds.

"I wonder if they would look like San's hair during Say My name in male form or like Baehyun's hair during Ko Ko Bop. Gahyeon's hair during Because. No wait, it's pink in female form so it would look like Yeji's hair during Loco or Jennie's hair during How You Like That." I said out loud.

Then it hit me. I was underwater and as any another human being, I couldn't breathe underwater. The fall height was too long for it to be a short impact. I travelled too deep to come to the surface. I tried swimming up but it was no use. My surroundings slowly blackened and I fell into a slumber. I got to meet 4/8th of Ateez and I got an average of 95% in my boards. I made my parents proud. I had a pretty decent record of achievements, I didn't mind going into eternal sleep now but why like this. I didn't want to die drowning. There was no going back now. At least that's what I thought. It wasn't completely wrong though.

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