Ch-12: Seungmin in the Building Because I Know You Know We Know Lee Know

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We introduced ourselves first... as in only me and my sisters (and Hojung). Pirateez knew them before hand. Makes sense.

"Hello, I'm Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids."

"Hello, I'm Lee Minho but you can call me Lee Know."

"Hi, I'm Hwang Hyunjin."

"Hi, I'm Lee Felix."

"Hi!! I'm Jisung!"

"YOU'RE JISUNG?!?!" Minhee got ready to through fists.

"Yes, I'm Han Jisung but you can call me Han."

"Oh" she replied realising that she mistook him for someone else..... they don't even look similar though.

"Hello, this is Seungmin in the building."

"We're not in a building." Minhee said.

"My bad then." sighed Seungmin.

"Hi, I'm Yang Jeongin but you can call me I.N!"

Changbin was missing. He wasn't with the others. I didn't want to draw suspicion about knowing them before hand because Minsoo has never met them before hand.

"So there's 7 of you guys?" I asked not trying to draw much attention about the fact that I knew they were 8.

"Where's Changbin?" Wooyoung asked turning his head to look around.

"H-h-he-" Felix stammered.

"He what Felix? It's not something serious right?"

"He got kidnapped an hour before we got here." Chan completed.

"And you guys came here instead of finding him? Where did he go? Where did you see him last?" Wooyoung said as searched though his hair in frustration.

"Let's think about this calmly-"

"San, do I look calm to you? You might've done this before but no. For me this is new."

"Hyung calm down."

"Have you guys started investigating yet?"

"Mmm. We started with the dorms. We found a letter." Hyunjin said.

"What did it say?"

"I can't say that."

"Why not Jisung?"



"Don't scold the poor child." Minhee scolded Wooyoung.

"You don't need to be scared. Just tell it out." Hojung added.

"They want San." Seungmin finally spoke.

"Let's go." San said.

"Hyung, are you seriously gonna hand over-"

"Yah, obviously no. We'd have to make a plan. I have exactly that in mind."

"It's Monsta X who kidnapped him." Felix said.

"I no longer have a plan."

Wait. Did they just say Monsta X? What's with 3rd gen groups being villains is 4th gen fan fics? Monsta X aren't very high up in my stan list but I never thought I'd fight them one day. They say hindsight's 20/20. Maybe I'll see you one day just hits differently now. Obviously they'd have a different character. I glanced a few times at the members and Jongho understood my confusion. He pulled me aside and explained.

Conclusion from whatever he said. Monsta X were pirates in top. They were ATEEZ's role models but because San had skills he joined the Navy. San's team arrested Monsta X so they have a grudge against him. Monsta X went from a lovable pirate group to criminals real quick. He was only 18 when he was recruited and 19 when he was part of this operation. Now he's 20 and wanted. How did life take such a huge turn for him? 

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