Side Story 2: The Nightmare

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I saw my parents waiting for me coming from school. I ran to them but they couldn't see me. Then a younger me ran to them and I handed my bag to them. I was talking to them about what I learnt in class. I was only 5 looking at the clothes I wore. Suddenly the place changed and I was on the ship. Yeosang was standing with a halo over his head and Jeonghan was shaking his hand. It seemed that they had an agreement. 

It didn't make sense in the start. Jeonghan shouldn't have been with him for he is obviously more than 100 years old. Yeosang wouldn't be immortal right? Junhui then walked in and served them a menacing glance. He then gave Yeosang a sword.

"Promise me you would do it."

"Yes sir, I promise you."

Promise him what? Swords are symbols of power, protection, strength, authority and courage. Which one of these was he trying to convey. If it was power, were they pirates at some point of time? Didn't Junhui die in war? Was it a way to show that despite him not coming back his legacy would be written by the sword he held for years. Was it a way to show that he had power to overthrow him? Wait a minute...... it could be a way to show that Yeosang knows about us and Junhui assigned him the sword to protect us. That would mean he knows our secret but that would also mean that he has quite a few under his sleeve too.

The plot is finally thickening. It was just us playing around and having fun before. Now I'm actually gonna fight, uncover secrets, put villains to their place and so much more. The fun of adventure! Finally!!

Junhui then looked directly at me in the eyes. 

"You'll be there soon." he said. 

Then Yeosang looked at me. He stepped closer as I moved back. He slowly picked up pace and barged at me with the sword that Junhui handed him. I starting pacing up moving to the open out of the castle. Wait??? Wasn't I in a ship?

I found a sword lying down. I bent down to pick and when I turned back I saw that I was in a fight with Kihyun, from Monsta X. 

"Wasn't Yeosang chasing me? How did you you end up here?" I asked as our swords clashed.

"You're partially correct. Yeosang was chasing you. The part you were wrong about, he wasn't the only one chasing you." 

Another clash.

"How long have you been here?" I said blocking eye sight with the cover of the sword. (I have no idea what that's called)

"I might not have lived as long as you have but it seems you've got rusty with your aging body."

"What do you know?"

"You're fighting style has changed, or perhaps is it your heart?"

"What are you talking about?" I cluelessly asked about what he was saying.

"You forgot me? Remember the time you guys slaughtered a village? You might've changed your hair and all but I can never forget the face of the man who killed my father."


"NO" I retaliated. I refused to believe something like that. That must've broken him. Minsoo must've seen him as a kid.

"Trying to play innocent are you? The angel will come for your soul. The angel of death of course."

"I really have no idea! What are you trying to tell me?" I squeaked. Why do I squeak at the randomest of times?

Wait. This could be Minsoo trying to wash the guilt he's felt of the people he's killed. He's getting nightmares because he has sinned before. They were born when war was still very prevalent. It was normal back then. He might've realised that it was wrong past the war era. It's not completely gone but the pirate era is a recent phenomenon here it seems. There doesn't seem to be a certain pirate king on top.

He swished the sword and I bent to dodge it. Then BAAM I went for a kick.

"AAHH!" I heard a familiar shout.

"Oh My God! Seonghwa I'm so sorry!" I immediately apologised. 

"What were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry. I was being attacked..... in my dream."

"Was it scary?"

"Not really. I was just a little shocked with who was following me."

"You were being followed? You didn't get kidnapped or anything right?"

"It's just a dream Hwa." I said removing his hands that were cupping my cheeks.

I placed my palm on his forehead.

"Why are you touching my head?" he asked.

"I just thought you had a fever or something. You're being so clingy."

"I can go back to how I was."

"No-no. I like you like this."

He chuckled "Now go to sleep" and pat my head.

"Why do you never drink with us? I mean you are over the legal age." he asked.

Well...... I was wayyy over the legal age required physically but mentally I was still 18. I couldn't get myself to drink. It would be morally wrong....... even if this isn't real.

"I just can't." I replied.

"A history?"

"Nah. I just choose not to."

"Hmm. If you ever decide to drink, call me."

"Why what're you gonna do?"

"I just wanna be by your side, as a friend."

"Sure." I smiled through the pain. There's no way I could stay that long here. I had a life outside this dimension.

A/N: I have no idea how the chapter ended up like this..... I was listening to Nilli Mambo, Simon Says, If Without You, My Way, Aurora and One Day At a Time while writing this.

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