Ch-9: Iced Up Both My Wrists, I Can Barely See The Time

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I could sleep peacefully and in this peace, I didn't realise that I started controlling my powers.

I didn't turn into my female form when the clock struck 10pm. I became more aware of my surroundings. My reflexes got stronger; all in one day. No nightmare today and no dreams that foreshadow stuff. 

Captain said it would be a week until we reach the next island. It's funny how he just forgot about the vegetable issue which is a great thing of course. Lucky for me no one talked about whatever happened that drunk night. I still had the hairband though. Hojung said he'd take it back when he's ready. I didn't know what that meant but I still kept it. There were regular days in the ship later. None very eventful. Not until 5 days after we left Pidal. Something eventful happened.

I adapted to changing my forms pretty quick. I would just randomly change forms during the that often scared Mingi but others would just react like it's was an everyday thing, which in fact it was. I still had a huge question in my mind. Are we still going to wonderland?

It was a good night. I didn't get any nightmares for the few days that followed the visit of Pidal. All I did was eat, sleep and cook. No wait, that makes me sound like Yan Li. All I did was eat, sleep, cook and transform. (No, lotus soup does not solve everything.) Now it sounds better. I was sleeping peacefully until there was a sudden jolt.

"There's a storm ahead." Yunho shouted.

"You didn't see it coming?" Captain asked

"No, this region isn't even on the map." Mingi answered.

"Then why did you decide to sail here knowing it's not on the map?" Captain asked.

"It was said to be a shortcut despite not being on the map." Mingi said.

"Do you think it's never been on any map because no one has come out of here?" I asked.

"Weren't we going to District 9? When did you guys take a detour and without my permission?"

"Captain it's been only a few months since we became a pirate crew. I didn't know I was supposed to tell you."

He got out agitated and I followed him curious to what would happen. I was an immortal, I could live through it but could pirateez survive it? The book wouldn't end like this right? Did the author decide to discontinue the book? I couldn't let that happen.

He went towards San's room. He knocked first then opened. Well, manners maketh man.

"San, have there been missing ship cases near District 9?" Captain asked.

"From the long route that passes through the white coral reef has none but the shortcut has had a few cases." he said drowsily.

"What if I said that we were using the shortcut?" Mingi said.

"There'll be a storm and maybe a few sirens."

"Sirens? Like the ones that sing and attract the person?" I asked


"This dude can still sleep in this condition. Wow!" said Mingi.

"Why are you guys so noisy in the morning. We still have time till we reach." his roommates hissed.

"Wooyoung we don't have time, the storm in like 7 km from here."

"What?" they bounced.

They hurried out. I went to Sangeun's room. She had to have a way to control her powers. She could hold the water. I know she isn't Zeus but I guess she could be of help. I transformed into Sangeun as I opened the door. She screamed when I entered then I explained the situation.

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