Ch-7: I'm Minsoo, I'm Not Okay

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A/N: Sorry for the late update.... I was busy making naega byeonhae edits-
 This chapter may contain mature themes unfit for those below 15. 

The smell of rum was significant in the room. Hongjoo, I mean Hojung dropped Yeosang to one of the sofas. Seonghwa then suddenly came close to me. A little too close. I could smell his breath. I pushed him away as soon as he made eye contact.

"Why are you pushing me away? I know from the moment I saw you. There's no way that you were a boy. You're too cute for one." he said.

"You think boys are ugly then? That's far from true. Have you seen yourse-"

He shushed me by putting his finger on my lips. Boy why would you do that? I'm already having a hard time trying to break the connections I've made.

"No, just stay quiet. You look cute when you're angry."

How typical. Probably enemies to lovers. It's only day 1 so we went from enemies to lover in the span of less than 24 hours??

"Seonghwa hyung please stop, you're drunk." Jongho said.

Wait , when did 'hyung' get added to the author's vocabulary? Great job! You're learning a new wor(l)d with me everyday. 

"Seonghwa, I don't want to look cute when I'm angry. I'm trying to be a pirate here."

"Hongjoo, see you're being cute again." Seonghwa said with pout.

Wait did Seonghwa just call me cute, flirt with me, compliment me thinking I was Hongjoo? I looked at Hojung and he silently lipped 'no' with a look of worry. I turned back but it was too late. Seonghwa's lips crashed mine and I lost it. I lost my first kiss to a drunk mishap.

"Hyung no!" Jongho shouted pulling Seonghwa aside. I was too stunned to speak.

I had such dreams of having a first kiss such that it was mutual and wanted it with someone who truly treasured me as much as I treasured them but what did I get? A first kiss who doesn't know who I am and kissed me thinking I was someone else. Heck, he isn't even real. My first kiss isn't even real. Wait, so was this my first kiss or not?

I fell to my knees as I covered my mouth. Hojung and San came immediately to help me up. Yeosang and Captain were wasted and the giants were no where to be found. Wooyoung probably went to sleep early. 

"I'm very sorry." San said in a soft whisper.

"No, please do forget. I believe it was only you Choi brothers and Hojung who saw it. Don't tell anyone." Why was I talking so weirdly like that?

"Was it your first?"


San looked taken aback.

"He was your first?"

"Yes, don't look down on me."

"No, I'm not looking down on you. I was just curious of how someone this pretty hadn't had their first kiss yet."

My heart boom boom. That's it.  He used past tense. Painful but touching. I had to practically stop myself from singing the feels by twice. Am I too easy to impress or are pirateez just too nice..... except Seonghwa.

"Thank you for helping."

"No problem. If Seonghwa forgets it by tomorrow it's a good thing if you don't want it to be remembered that is."

"I'm never drinking on this ship. Only apple juice." I said smiling through the pain.

"Will keep in mind." he chuckled back displaying those dimples.

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