Side Story 3: Seongjoo

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A/N: This chapter is in 3rd person.


Also this takes place after the infiltration

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Also this takes place after the infiltration..... I haven't got myself to finish that chapter yet xD


"What are you looking at me for?" growled Hongjoo.

"You're cute." Seonghwa answered.

"What're you gonna do about it?" she said.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked politely.

"Answer my questions." she demanded.

Seonghwa silently nodded, gesturing that he was was ready to answer her questions. He made  his way over and brought a chair close to her bed. "I'm ready. Just ask."

"How long do I need to stay in this place?"

"Is it your first time here?"

"Not really my first time..... but I haven't been here in a long time. By that I mean YEARS." she said on a jolly note.

"The doctor said your metabolism is pretty good and you're healing really fast. He said you might suffer from slight amnesia but it won't have any long term effects."

"So it slight amnesia I see. Hmm."

"Not to meddle in your family issues but according to what had been described, you're closer to Minsoo than your sisters right?"

"Well he's the only one gave a sh*t about me growing up so it was very obvious. My parents were really nice to me.... umm.... before I came to know they were my parents that is. Sangeun was such a *censored* *censored*. Well, she didn't have a choice but she could've been nicer when Jen wasn't around." she said to a flustered Seonghwa.

"Did you always speak like this? I mean when we met a-"

"Well, not really. I was REALLY REALLY nice growing up. I was the ideal girl everyone was looking for but then came the betrayal of a lifetime and now my language is... well.... not very me..."

"You still are really nice to me.... at least hitherto. If you don't mind, what exactly did you mean when you said betrayal of a lifetime." 

"Sorry, I do mind so I'm not telling you."


"..... How have I been the past week?" she sighed.

"Most would say you've changed but to me, you're the same Hongjoo I've known. I don't know how you were before I met you, how many crimes you've done, what secrets you sisters hold or why Minsoo seems so blank but you're still the Min Hongjoo to me."

Minsoo earlier kept telling Seonghwa to stay away from her but now he wasn't so strict about it. He wasn't as nosy as he was before. In fact ever since Hongjoo got 'reborn' as the sisters told Seonghwa, Minsoo was quite appreciative of their relationship.

"You've only known me as what I've shown you. Maybe a calling of conscience but trust me, we're not as nice as you think we are. Our powers-"

"They sound really cool. I'm pretty sure my crew also has our fair share of secrets. I mean WE DO have our share of secrets."

"By the way, does Minsoo know it?"

"Know what?"

"That his power is actually 'copying' and not 'shape-shifting'. He seemed to have forgotten it when I saw him."

"You're saying Minsoo might have amnesia too?"

"I mean he feels different from the last time I met. To be honest he's been different ever since we got on board."

"Speaking of which, how did you get on board?"

"That actually-"

"Sir, you have 5 more minutes."
"Thank you sister."
"Also, may you be her guardian? I need you to sign these papers for her discharge tomorrow."
"Actually I'm not her guardian." he said awkwardly placing his hand on the neck of his shoulder. "You can get Captain to sign it."

"You're from a PirAte cReW?"
"Yes sister. You seem pretty surprised."
"We haven't had a pirate patient since the famous Choi San went missing. Well, it's none of my business so I'll get going. Where can I find your Captain?"
"You can give them to me. I'll get him to sign them."
"Thank you. Please submit it at the reception desk by 6pm today."
"Sure will." he said as she handed them the papers and walked out.

"Give me your hand." Hongjoo requested once she made sure the door was closed. "Answer my questions honestly now."

"Yes." Seonghwa gulped. Seonghwa wasn't a man with many fears but he did fear those with magic. They always held him back for a reason. A good one.

"Is she your sister?"

"Pfft, no. We, I mean I have a habit of calling nurses as sister. Most of the people in my town do that."

"Did I ever hurt your feelings?"

" I guess you've been a good friend." Seonghwa said looking at their intertwined hands.

"Thanks, now kiss me." 

A/N: Pretty late but, Happy Yunho and Seonghwa day!!

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