Side Story: Fanfiction Maker

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A/N: So this time I used to random site to make a fanfic but it was too hilarious so I'm adding it here. I did have to make a few changes though cause ✨grammar✨ 

Today was the day of the big cooking contest. The world championship! Minsoo and Seonghwa had made it into the final after a intensive competition which Minsoo won easily. 

"I am really proud of you Minsoo! You were amazing!", said Hongjoo. "You too Seonghwa, you were also reasonable. "

"Gosh thanks Hongjoo." said Seonghwa.

Minsoo was still practicing twirling the spoons as they walked along. They were taking a tour of the Cooking Arena to prepare for the big day tomorrow.

"Oh, look who it is, it's the pathetic Minsoo and his pathetic friends. You're all pathetic!" It was Chuu!

"What are you doing here Chuu?" Minsoo said gruffly.

"Why? I am here for the contest."

"Wahhhhaa?" said Seonghwa and Hongjoo.

"Yes I am taking part. I am going to win the world Cooking medal and there's nothing you pathetic people can do to stop me!" With that Chuu marched off. 

"Chuu is taking part in the contest! I didn't know she even cooked." said Seonghwa.

"She didn't. She must have learnt over the summer" said Minsoo.

 "But....why?" they then queried quizzically.

"I dont know" said Seonghwa ignorantly. He didn't know Minsoo was asking a rectangular question.

"I guess we will find out tomorrow." With that they all went back to their rooms in the arena's hotel. 

Later, once they were alone and away from the others, Hongjoo met with Seonghwa in a nearby igloo. They had been meeting like this awhile now, often in the evenings or at night. A deep friendship had struck up after their previous adventures, but they kept it hidden as they didn't know what the others would think. They often did some talking, some cooking, maybe a few board games. They were quite close friends by now. This particular night they were sharing secrets with each other. Telling each other things neither had told anyone else before. Things that not a single soul knew.

"Then there was that time I... destroyed Minsoo's balloon!" 

"Oh, Hongjoo! that's positively evil and I should know!" They both laughed. 

The night had been full of stories like this. The time Seonghwa blackmailed an Economist or the time Hongjoo fooled a Director into thinking it was the end of the world.. Endless stories shared just between them and no one else. It was making them closer. Closer then Hongjoo had ever thought possible. As Hongjoo was telling another story, she thought she saw Seonghwa examining her. Looking with.... was that longing? Nah...couldn't be. The moment was over and they departed each others company. Hongjoo felt something had changed that night, but wasn't sure what.

Before the contest, Minsoo and their friends decided to take a tour of the arena. Aside from the normal restaurants and cooking gift shops, there was also a museum. A museum dedicated to the history and art of cooking. As they had done the other stuff already, they decided to go to the museum. 

Originally, cooking wasn't that popular as a sport, but in recent years it had become the most  popular sport in the world after all others were banned. Some people missed other sports at first, but slowly it was just accepted that cooking was the best sport on Earth. They looked at the giant diorama of the first Cooking contest. There was a button they could press and the animatronics would act out famous events in its history. There was also giant pieces of cooking equipment all around the museum. Seonghwa looked at one particularly large display.

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