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"Steve... Steve!" A voice came across distance, urgent and familiar. "Steve, you must wake up! Wake up!"

The shaking of his body annoyed him, since it made his bruised ribs ache. Steve couldn't hold back a moan. Then, becoming aware of who it was who was speaking to him, he made an effort to peel open his eyes.

Herobrine's face loomed over him, ghostly in the silver light of his anxious eyes. Just then, Steve's twin turned to look back toward the darkness, an angry frown on his face. Steve could make out a cave wall above them, lit by dim red light.  They were...underground?

Steve couldn't quite recollect what happened after Herobrine, the other version of him, began to taunt the players. Did he pass out? How did they manage to get away?

"Steve, I swear to Notch, if you don't wake up, I'll burn your house to the ground!" Herobrine growled, still looking away. His tone came frustrated rather than threatening, but Steve still tried to sit up. Sharp pain shot through his stomach, radiating out from his chest to his sides.

At first catching his breath, he then began to pant, a groan breaking through his clenched teeth. A hand carefully slipped under his back, gently righting his slumped position to a more comfortable one. Rocks felt cold behind his back. Managing to open his eyes once more, Steve found concerned white eyes watching him. In the dark, Steve could make out the bandages across an empty shoulder stump, where once again some blood had begun to seep. A bit of relief washed across him.

Steve smiled, his vision briefly blurring with tears. 

Herobrine came for him. He didn't leave him behind.

"H-Herobrine..." Steve croaked weakly. His twin frowned, concerned eyes searching Steve's dazed face. Appearing reassured by Steve's steady breathing, Herobrine scowled at him instead. Steve's smile lessened. His twin appeared to be angry with him for something.

"Steve, your pickaxe. Let me see it." The threat in the man's impatient tone made Steve blink in confusion. "Let me see that pickaxe! The one those heroes gave you. Now!"

Herobrine impatiently snapped. Confused, Steve obeyed, the enchanted tool appearing in his shaking hand. With relief, his eyes held on his fingers. The ropes were still there, wrapped around his wrists, but already loose. At Steve's movement to lift the tool, they fell away, revealing ugly bruises. He could feel his hands, though, and besides some dull ache echoing across, no damage was done. 

"I am a fool..." Herobrine's angry voice drew Steve's eyes back to his twin. He found white eyes staring at the tool's handle, where a brightly glimmering green jewel just then dimmed to a dark hue. Herobrine's lips twitched, settling into a flat line and his eyes narrowed.

"I was right. That's how they knew through your ruse. They found a way to detect my presence. If I come near this thing, it let them know, as it let them know where you were at all times." Herobrine scowled and Steve blinked at the amazing tool with rising unease, before a wave of guilt washed through him. This whole thing had been his fault from the start?

"I'm s-sorry." Steve's mumble brought Herobrine's white eyes back to him. Seeing Steve's stricken expression, he huffed in annoyance.

"Don't be. This is not in any way your fault, Steve. I should have thought to check. My carelessness is inexcusable." Looking up, Steve found guilt flickering in Herobrine's angry expression. That let him breathe with relief. Herobrine was not angry at him.

Steve looked at the pickaxe with unease, wondering what he should do with it.

"Keep it. You may find use for it, yet. I've already disabled their tracker." Herobrine grumbled.

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