9• Dear Pollyanna

Start from the beginning

Mariana's Outfit

"How are you holding up then?" She asked"I'm okay" I sighed

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"How are you holding up then?" She asked
"I'm okay" I sighed. I was pretty sick of everyone asking me that all the time though
I know they were worried but... I was fine, I can look after myself. For the most part.

"I'm sorry I shut you out" I said
"Don't worry about it, I get it" she said, filling our glasses up again.

"Things have just been slow I guess... how are you?" I asked
"I'm good" she said shortly
"What?" I asked
"What?" She asked
"You never say 'I'm good', you normally give me a whole story about work and the latest guy" I chuckled.

She opened her mouth to speak again, before she hesitated.
"Come on, I know you were dying to tell me anyway" I said
"Fine I... well I... might be sleeping with Arthur" she said.

"What?" I asked surprised
"We just... we got close I guess" she said
"The night after... your mum, we... we were drinking in the pub, comforting each other, one thing just led to another" she explained.

"Oh, right" I mumbled, more to myself than her
It was hard to picture her and Arthur
"Are you mad?" She asked
"Why would I be mad?" I asked.

"Well I know the boys are like brothers to you" she said
"Doesn't mean I have an issue with you fucking one of them" I chuckled
"Just depends which one eh?" She laughed.

Well she wasn't wrong
John was 14 and Tommy... well Tommy was currently in a situation with... me.

"Just be careful" I said
"I know I know" she said
"I'm serious Dot, you and Arthur are good friends, I love him but I also know what he's like and I don't want to see you get hurt" I explained.

Arthur had a habit of running from commitment
Then again, he relied on his dad for pretty much everything and he always fell through on promises, so I could see where his issues came from.


"Tell me" I demanded
"No" David said adamantly
"Tell me or I'll beat it out of a guard" I said
"You won't do shit Mar, just leave it, I can handle myself" he said.

He was an awful liar
"You have a black eye David, you don't fool me and you certainly don't fool Tommy, tell us or we'll take it into our own hands" I said.

Tommy just sat silent beside me, supporting me without needing to say anything
"Just fucking leave it" he snapped, standing up and walking back towards the doors
Fuck sake.

"It's one black eye Mar, that's not bad for 2 months" he said
"Of course it's bad, he'll be dead before he gets out if he carries on pissing people off" I said, watching the guards take him back to his cell, disappearing out of sight.

"He'll be alright, I'll have a word with Ricky, he was supposed to be protecting him" he said, placing his hand on my shoulder in comfort
"Thanks" I said, rubbing the stress from my forehead.

I needed David to wake up and see that this wasn't okay. That robbing people wasn't for him. He was the good one
The good kid
He was going places. Lord knows he had the intelligence for it.

So how could he be so stupid?

"I'm sorry, I meant to come round" I said
"It's fine, not like there's any reason to come round anymore is there? It's just me" Polly said sadly
"Pol" I tried, I wanted to be there for her, I had just been... distant since mum's death.
"What? What?" She snapped.

"They took my kids Mariana! My children, my babies, they've shipped Anna off with a family" she said, her eyes beginning to water
"I'm sorry" I said
"It's not your fault, don't say sorry, I'm sick of everyone saying sorry, they're the ones who should be sorry" she said angrily.

Arthur Sr's POV

"It was good then?" I asked
"Yeah, I saw my mother, the camp, Charlie was brilliant and little Finn loved it, I mean of course he did, it's in his blood isn't it?" Martha rambled on, smiling

But I was just glad to see her happy
Truly happy for the first time in a long while.

"Thats great love" I said, looking down at Finn
I'd missed the little lad
I'd missed her, I just hoped this was us turning a new leaf
"Sit down eh? I'll run you a bath" I said.

"What do I do Pol? She's... she's better but it's like a switch has flicked, she's completely and utterly happy" I said
It was like a weird kind of happy
She told me she'd bought Tommy a fucking pony back with her for gods sake

"So?" She said, sat in the window staring out at the street
"Well what if it's still not right? And she's still..."
"Still what Arthur? Still fucked in the head? She's happy, so what? Let her be happy, at least you still have her" she mumbled.

"Stop it, you know I didn't mea-"
"I don't care! I don't care about Martha and her stupid fucking issues Arthur! You still have her! You still have your children, she ain't thrown herself off the bridge yet has she!" She shouted upset.

Polly's POV

I didn't give a fuck about his problems
I'd lost a husband... my children
He was a drunken idiot but my kids... my kids are my world.
No ones telling me anything and Anna is already with another family.

Arthur caught me off guard, grabbing my face in his hand, squeezing tightly making me cry out in pain
"Now dear Pollyanna you're my sister, yeah? But you're not all thats fucking holy so watch your fucking mouth" he said angrily, before finally letting me go.

I fell back into the window seat, my cheeks ached but I was more angry than anything
"Fuck off Arthur" I said
"No! Fuck off, get out" I said, returning to looking out of the window.


Mariana's POV

"Come on, please, it'll be fun" Freddie pleaded on the door step
"I don't need fun right now Freddie, I have a baby to look after, a brother in prison and a... a messed up head" I said
"I know things have been tough lately but you need this, a night out" he said

"If she doesn't want to then leave her Fred" Tommy said, looking at me with worry in his eyes
He didn't need to worry about me all the time.

I offered him a small smile
"Of course she wants to, my sister will look after Nala eh? She needs the practice" Freddie said
"Why does she need the practice?" I asked
"Well she's fucking around with Connor Banks so I imagine she'll have her own kid soon enough" he laughed.

Maybe a night out would do me some good
The fresh air, a drink or two
Away from the responsibility for a night
Not a lot could go wrong in a night could it?

Maybe a night out would do me some good The fresh air, a drink or twoAway from the responsibility for a night Not a lot could go wrong in a night could it?

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