Chapter 24

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Asajj headed home, or to her apartment at least.

The muddy street was abandoned and dark. Small pools of water had formed from leaking pipes and moisture that over time had made its way down from the surface levels after heavy rain.

The property she owned wasn't a place that she would call home. The Sith temples and Separatist ships hadn't been either. Maybe the places she had trained at with her Jedi Master long ago had been. It was the closest she could think of. However it was, she didn't have one anymore. Just her lightsabers and the armour she had come to like a lot.

Her thoughts dwelled on the girl, Ahsoka. She hoped she could find her way back to the order and her friends. They had always been enemies, but she was just another child soldier. One that reminded her too much of herself.

She wrapped her arms around herself. Since when was she so sentimental? Anger, Asajj, she reminded herself. You're growing into a Jedi. Careful or you'll soon start preaching unattachment. She grimaced; Jedi was the last thing she wanted to become. Rather a Sith any day of the week. She had seen how they treated their young, not least in Ahsoka. And they sure were corrupt down to the very bone.

She kept her head down. It was long since she had felt anything other than regret and heavy thoughts as a weight on her back.

A clattering sound came from where she had just walked and she stopped to spy the cause. A shadow moved on a wall a few meters back. As whoever caused it came closer and further from the lightsource it shrunk into the shape of the Togruta she had thought herself to have left behind.

She scrunched up her nose and her hand gripped one of her hilts. "I thought we decided we were going to part ways."

There came no answer and the shadow kept becoming smaller until it impossibly could be the girl.

A loth cat appeared from around the corner and let out a complaining meow followed by an angry squeak while it furrowed up its fur and stood as if about to attack when it saw her. It ran off instead and kept complaining loudly before disappearing down another alley.

It was a stupid cat. Pathetic.

Asajj shook her head.

She looked forward again. Before she could start walking she was flung to the ground. Something hit her with incredible force. She shouted and her helmet flew off her.

She moved and attempted to get up. Her body ached and head pounded. She tried to get a look at her attacker who she saw get closer out of the corner of her eye but received a hit to the head with something metal. Her vision dimmed. The only thing she felt was how someone stripped her of her lightsabers and then took her mask from where it had landed. She wanted to scream and fight back, turning and tossing herself around to no avail. She could barely move a muscle without pained noises slipping out of her until eventually everything went dark.


Once on her own again Ahsoka turned her attention forward, squinting her eyes whilst her stance widened and she became little more than a shadow moving around the edge of the premises. Her montrals' sense got more space in her mind and her steps were silent and well calculated. Tired or not, she forced herself to be careful. Who knew what traps and dangers there could be in a warehouse that stored nano droids? Someone surely must've realised the value of them before Letta and wanted to keep others' hands off them.

Even though most of her clothes had been dry when she woke up her shoes and socks had still had some amount of moisture in them and they had gathered more since they left the apartment. She still hurt a little everywhere, her back from laying uncomfortably, her feet for obvious reasons, her stomach for not having eaten enough of the right stuff and her head from the stress, exhaustion, dehydration, bad air and overall fatigue of the last twenty four or more hours. Honestly she had no idea what the time was, everything blurred together.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now