Chapter 26

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Rex let out a sigh under his helmet and turned away. He signalled the pilot to close the blast doors and the craft lifted soon after that and returned him to the trooper barracks. Until the trial was over and it was decided what was to become of her he didn't have anything to do. The earlier plans about shipping out had been cancelled due to the circumstances. They couldn't leave without their general, and as long as Ahsoka was there Anakin would come up with any excuse to stay on Coruscant with her.

Rex had hope that the council would clear her, even with all the stuff Ahsoka had told him about them he had trust in them, but that could also be the programming in him speaking. They were generals after all, and so his superiors, and he knew that he was altered to follow those people's leads no matter what.


She was walked through hidden corridors that only were accessible to the Temple Guards. They led her to a room where she was left with one to wait. Her master had looked like he was going to pull his lightsaber from his belt and start fighting them when he was told that he wasn't allowed with her.

The room looked more like a dungeon cell than anything else, and Ahsoka supposed that it was. There was a simple table, a bench that doubled as a bed and a door that led to a tiny 'fresher. The lights were old and flashed on and off before starting to work.

A healer came by and took a look at her shoulder and conducted a series of tests on her, drawing some blood and taking samples. She was freed of the handcuffs and then left alone with the guard again.

She cleaned up as best as she could, wiping her face and skin with wet towels. The rest of her time she spent sitting on the bench, waiting and thinking. The council must have been discussing how to deal with her. That was what was taking so much time.

She asked the guard for the time at one point and sat for a while just counting the passing minutes. After maybe an hour or so (she lost count pretty quickly) she was let out and escorted through the corridors to another chamber where Anakin was waiting. She was going to be put on trial. They were going to decide what was to become of the investigation, and more importantly, her.

Anakin was frantic. He walked back and forth on the cold stone floor in front of her. The wing of the temple was newly renovated, only some hundred years old. Ahsoka sat on a long cushioned bench that lined a part of the round wall. Some old insignia was painted on the wall every few meters. There were five guards in the room, standing like statues and staring out into nothing.

She fiddled with the purple sash on her belt. What was she meant to do? How would she explain her involvement with Ventress? That if anything made her look guilty. And she hadn't even found any evidence of her innocence, only stuff that could be used against her to prove her guilt.

Her master just kept pacing back and forth, over and over again. She couldn't think clearly with him distracting her. She had enough. "You're not helping," she told him.

He stopped and sat down next to her, "I'm sorry, Snips." She didn't have the energy to remark on the nickname. "I.. I just.. " He looked defeated and bent down to put his head between his hands. "I just don't know what to do." His gloved fingers dug into his hair.

"It's okay. I don't either." She found herself comforting him, despite it being her that was in the difficult situation.

He gave her a deep look. Filled with sorrow and thankfulness and guilt at having her consoling him as if he was the one hurting the most.

The intercom chimed, marking that the meeting was about to commence. Ahsoka wasn't exactly sure what was to come of the session, but Anakin had told her the council was going to go through the events with her and determine a course of action.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now