Chapter 21 - Friends, new and old

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The ships' spotlights moved and Ahsoka lifted her arm before her eyes when they landed on her and Asajj. Now that they we allies she supposed she would have to get used to using her first name instead of just 'Ventress'.

"Stay where you are!" Her masters voice sounded above them. They had to go right now. And quickly.

Ahsoka turned and found Asajj, already sprinting away. That rat, she thought but then corrected herself, right, allies. She bit together and ran after, soon falling into step with her, though she had a little hard keeping up with Ventress' much longer steps. She had for the moment forgotten how bad her feet hurt.

The bright white light trailed them and they got back inside the gate where they had come from, stopping for a few seconds by a panel to raise the shield for it. A red ray shield emerged from the right side of the gate with a swoosh-sound and shut their pursuers out from them. As soon as they confirmed it was in place they were moving again, Ahsoka just a few steps behind. 

Anakin stopped outside, trying to reach out to Ahsoka and she trailed behind a bit. She felt guilty running from him, and stopped to look back. She made an apologetic expression, but it didn't make her feel much better and Anakin's expression as Asajj placed her hand on her shoulder made her want to puke. It was a subtle nod for them to continue going, almost gentle, and they started moving again. 


Rex saw the exhange of looks between his General and Ahsoka from his place in the ship that hovered above the ground. His voice was a little hoarse from barking orders at the pilot to bring them in closer. Normally he wouldn't raise his voice that way, infact he hated it. Hated being a leader, hated the responsibility, hated having to watch his brothers die. But now he couldn't care. Ahsoka was all he could think of. He couldn't imagine she was particularly scared, but she would definently be feeling sad. Or maybe rather betrayed. The two of them often entertained conversation long into the night talking about that type of heavy stuff, both before and after their relation became that of more than friends. It was all about how she didn't want the role of a leader and neither did he, how they were both dedicated to their respective causes, and how she would lay down her life for the Jedi if it came to that -and how he could say the same of him with his brothers. 

And it hadn't meant anything. The Jedi had turned on her so quickly, the council and even the Grand Master. That baffled Rex the most. He and the other clones rarely understood the green little creature, but he still stood for wisdom and truth. Couldn't he see that Ahsoka never could do such a thing? It was so obvious to Rex. In the initial chaos he hadn't had time to think of it much, but now it stood clear. And that everyone except for him and Skywalker failed to see it like he did filled him with rage like never before. 

Hating an enemy was easy, it didn't need any contemplation, but now his anger was directed at his supperiors instead. Those types of feelings were dangerous. First of all they made you do things you would regret later, and secondly they were straight out traitorous. He didn't even want to think of what the Kaminoans might do to him if they knew what passed through his mind. He had read some of their reports on the alterations they had made to them, trying to understand what they had done to him, how much was personality and how much was programming. His thoughts were definently amongst those he shouldn't be having, so he added faulted programming to his mental list of things that were  'wrong' with him. It landed on the row below blond hair.

But he couldn't allow his focus to be on that, there were far more important things than his selfloathing. Like getting Ahsoka back, and then somehow convincing people of her innocence. Just as long as she was safe. He couldn't imagine what he would do if she somehow ended up hurt. She was really good, one of the best, he reminded himself often, but someone had framed her, most likely another Jedi, and there was nothing saying that that person wasn't the same or even better.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now