Chapter 22 - Getting closer

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Ahsoka devoured the omelette as if she was starving, which to be fair, she felt like she was. Food never normally tasted as good as it did when her stomach already was growling. 

Before sitting down on the cussion together to eat, since Asajj apparently hadn't invested in any table yet, Ahsoka had taken a good ten minutes in the refresher that was behind the closed door she had wondered about before. She had taken off her battledress and gotten off most of the dirt with soap and hot water and also scraped the worst off from her boots that she still hadn't put back on. After those two things she spent another minute spitting out the taste of her stomach acids from her mouth. It worked once Asajj knocked on the door and handed her a few flavoured tablets that she spent some time eating before finally rinsing with water from a bottle that had come along them. When she was done she had pondered putting the battledress back on again even if it still had wet patches on both the back and front but then shrugged it off and exited as she was. She still had her top on and doubted her new friend had anything against it. They were both very practical women, so it wasn't in their nature to be shamed of that sort of things.

They had eaten in silence, except for the scraping sound of Ahsoka trying to get every last little bit from her platter. In the end Asajj had sighed loudly and handed over her leftovers, which was a weirdly friendly act. 

By the time Ahsoka had licked clean the second platter Ventress was out of the kitchen again, back in her own room doing force knew what. Ahsoka looked around and then spotted the dishwasher. She was admittedly a little unfamiliar with it but figured out how to put her things eventually, only leaving her glass on the counter. She went to take some water from the tap but was stopped by a familiar tingling in the back of her mind. It was a warning from the force, manifesting itself as the weird symptom. It was one of her main abilities, and the one that had led her to trust Plo Koon when he first had met her on her birthplanet. But what triggered it? She took her hand off the faucet and took a step back with her glass still in her hand.

"You too, huh?" Ahsoka faced Asajj who had snuck back from her room and was leaning up against the doorframe. She had an unreadable expression on her pale face. She gestured out with an arm that previously had been crossed over her chest, "The water is said to be safe but I don't trust it. I get the same reaction as you did whenever I get near drinking it." 

Ahsoka had nothing to say so she just gave a small 'oh'. She would have to bring that up with Padmé too. The Council didn't have power over how the Republic used its money and had to stay neutral in politics so she better go straight to the Senators instead. 

The thought slowly drifted away when she observed Asajj cross the room and pick a bottle of water out of the fridge. She was still careful of her, even if she hadn't given her any reason to mistrust her, but she took the bottle either way. After all she had already drank from an identical one before the meal. It was weird that she hadn't thought about it back then, but blamed it on the terrible state she had been in. She took a few sips before giving it back. Asajj stated straightforward that she was going to take a nap since Ahsoka needed more rest either way and then said she could take the couch if she wanted. An hour or two earlier Ahsoka wouldn't have considered it but now she accepted and they lifted out the couch to the kitchen using the force. 

She fell asleep quickly, even if it was a bit cold, but waited long enough to be sure that her temporary roommate dosed off first. She wouldn't take chances when it came to Sith.


Asajj got up after an hour or maybe one and a half. She wasn't particularly tired since she already had slept to keep her up that day, or night, as it now was. Her schedule had become a little messy since moving where the sun never touched, but it didn't bother her. Time was different. The streets were bustling with life no matter what hour it was, thanks to the way people spent their time there. Some slept in the daylight hours and only got up in time for the nightly activities across the planet, either to work or party there. Clubs and bars kept open for those on the surface and worked as meetingplaces for the underworld habitants during the day. She had visited a few of the places nearby, but it was too expensive to become a habit.

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