Chapter 1 - Four Perspectives

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He woke up in his cuarters, the sun was shining in his face and it took him a while to get used to the bright light in the beige and brown colored room. It was different from the dark corridors in the Star Destroyers and barracks in the field. The bed was soft and it was easy to relax in the surrounding silence. He let himself drown in it for a moment and for the first in a long time he could really just feel rested and alert. The force was surrounding him and he could feel every living being in the temple, from the small fly surring against his window, to the Council members, his Padawan and back to the fly in the window. Here I could stay for eternity, he thought to himself.

After about a minute of laying on the bed he slowly got up and took his Jedi Robes from the simple nightstand next to his brown bed. It was forbidden for a jedi to have more possesions than needed, the cravings greed created could lead to the Dark side of the force. Even the clothes were simple, two tunicas, a leather belt and the traditional turbards.

Lastly he took his comlink and checked for messages from Padme, but nothing. He placed it on its place on his left hand. In the Jedi temple there was no need for having it with you or even on but he always had it, after all The Temple was the biggest one in the galaxy and it was nice being able to communicate with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Rex. He had to admit he had a hard time concentrating without it, a reflex he had developed from the many hours, days and months in the field. He was used to being tense and on his toes, ready for anything.

After getting his brown boots on he first got to the window and let the small fly out, then walked out to the communal area between his and his padawan's room. He knocked on the door to Ahsokas room gently, but didn't get an answer so he assumed she was still asleep. He could not blame her, she had been through a rough couple days.

His steps lead him out of the room but he stopped himself to look in a mirror on the wall. His brown hair was getting long and he dragged his hand through it trying to make it look a bit more taken care of. The scar over his eye made him look older and he liked it.

He walked again and got into the corridor towards his masters room. They always met up on their way to breakfast since his room was on the path to the dining room. He enjoyed eating breakfast with him even though he'd always complain about Anakin's 'reckless' strategies. However the 501:st and 212:th came along well and always ate with them.

As he got closer to the councilmembers cuarters the red, orange and brown patterns in the marble floor got more detailed and the paintings in the celing more flaked since them being almost original to the temple that had been renovated many times over the years.

He finally reached his masters room, he didn't have to knock since they were friends. Besides the door was unlocked. He pushed the metall handle down and opened the door. On a beige meditation pillow on the floor sat Obi-wan with closed eyes.

"- What gives the honor of your company?" Obi-wan asked jokingly.

"- I'm sorry I'm late Master its just-" Anakin started.

"- I do not need your excuses Anakin, let us just get going before we get more late," he interupted him and got up with ease from his position on the pillow. Anakin knew he didn't have to answer so he just nodded and turned around to go. They walked out and close the door.


Fives carefully placed the small charge next to Tup, and then screamed in his ear.

"- Wake up! We are under attack!" The man flew up from his bed making the charge launch into the air and hit the ceiling of his built-in bed. Fives jumped away right in time before a small explotion was triggered and blue paint was spread over a small section of the barracks. The other clones nearby laughed and shook their heads, most had already learned to always wake up before him and hold their distance whenever he was up to something. But sometimes someone oversleeped and became his next victim.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now