Chapter 4 - Back to the field

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"- We are advancing towards the drop-point Commander, the General's ship has taken some damage and will have to make the last klicks by foot, the other two have already landed!!" Hawk's voice was heard over the speakers in the gunship. The dim red light made everything blurry.

"- Copy that Hawk, Rex get the men ready for landing," Ahsoka said after lowering her gaze from the speaker to Rex.

"- You heard her!! Ready your weapons and prepare for ground assault. We are almost at the drop point!" Rex continued to shout out orders and then reached his hand to Ahsoka who was standing back to back with him, she turned her head slightly and held his pinky reasuringly when she saw his hand. He turned to face her and smiled.

"- Arriving at landing-zone now!!" Their eyes met for a second and they pressed eachothers hands a last time before spliting up. Rex put his helmet on and readied his two DC-17 blasters and held them in the air, ready for combat.

The doors on both sides of the ship slid open and let the outdoor light in and everyone around them as on command started to jump the two meter gap to the ground. Rex hurried to the edge but them glimpsed back. The smoke from blasters already spread around them when the others initiated the battle. Ahsoka felt him stopping and looked at him from the other side. Don't get hurt. He told her through his eyes. She nodded towards the ground and skurried him with her hands. I won't

It had been five days in total from when they met eachother again. And they hadn't waisted a moment, especially since everybody now knew of them. Going back to the front lines after a break was always a tense experience where they the first days atleast always tried their best to keep near the other to ensure they made it. After that most of the nervousness was gone and they got on almost exclusively on adrenaline.

Ahsoka took a big jump out from the ship aiding it with the force and landed with her two lightsabers lit and in her iconic reverse-grip stance.

"- Just wondered what kept you up there so long." Fives made his way over from the bushes on the side while shooting down the B1-battledroids and trying to get his voice heard over the constant battle. The ship hovering over them closed its doors and flew away in the sky to then dissapear into the clouds .

"- I tought you liked having the command," Ahsoka teased and got no answer. "Come on. We need to secure this area until my master arrives," she said and hurried her way ahead of the others, reflecting blaster bolts and slicing clankers to the right and left in the light green terrain. The troops moved forward rapidly and took down the droids. After realising their defeat in the conflict was imminent they started retreating and the republic forces had soon taken several klicks of land.

Ahsoka's commlink beeped and she accepted the transmission while switching to only using her shorter shoto blade, placing the other one back to her belt.

"- Ahsoka, where are you? My troops just reached the landing-zone." Anakins voice was disorted in the transmission.

"- We are way ahead of you Skyguy, I left a few to care for the injured, we are pushing them back and winning territory towards the base. Did you loose anyone?" Ahsoka had her commlink pressed against her lips while talking, trying to make it clearer.

"- Good, secure the area and set up camps and wait for us, we will bring the injured in the walkers. And no, I didn't loose anyone, the pilot got himself a concussion in the landing but nothing else. How about you?" Ahsoka ducked when a red bolt came from a droid in the distance.

"- No, no casualties, a couple shot down, mostly leg and arm hits, fleshwounds. Kix is looking over them." Ahsoka stood up again and used her lime green blade to block off a few bolts that came and send them back at her enemies.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now