Chapter 2 - Ahsoka's 'morning'

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The warm arms of the sun surrounded her body, but still she seemed to be freezing. A cold feeling spread through her. She sat up in panic, hyperventilating. For a second, she was back on Florrum in the hands of the pirates. She glanced around the room and tried to convince herself that she was safe. After a while she calmed down and started to breathe normally. Her sickness was always worst on the night and in the morning. This last night however she had unexpectedly slept well until now, probably because of her exhaustion.

She picked up a small box from underneath the bed and took out two pills. One red and one blue.

Anakin helped her get the meds after she got kidnapped by Trandoshans a while back and said that he also took them sometimes after extra traumatic missions. He told her that unlike the clones who were genetically manipulated to not experience as much stress and mental illness as normal people many Jedi had trauma from missions. Especially since the Clone Wars started and they became more of warlords than peacekeepers. He always tried to make it funnier and easier for her, she was after all a teenager sent to war.

Ahsoka of course knew that the Kaminoans efforts to reduce mental issues didn't really do much for the clones. She had gotten used to waking up to Rex's nightmares that happened almost as often as her own.

She got up to take her clothes that she had carelessly thrown on her meditation pillow the night before, after getting back. She was so tired she couldn't even remember how she got there from the GAR-Hangar where the Stardestroyer, The Negotiator, had landed.

As she walked over she started to feel nausea and with only a couple seconds in spare she ran to the 'fresher and threw up. Uugh, she thought to herself. It was not unusual that she felt bad after a nightmare but she only occationally threw up. She took a glass of water from the sink and rinsed her mouth.

When she came out from the room the sun shined into her eyes and she had to squint to keep them open. It was long after the normal time she would wake up and the sun was high up in the sky when she saw out the window that went towards the high towers and rich parts of the planet's surface. In the far distance the senate building could be seen aswell as the militarylines where gunships and other ships from the GAR flew onboard the majestic Venators.

This is home, she couldn't help herself but think and then cringed. She had really just looked at a planet with probably some of the largest class differences between rich and poor in the galaxy as well as a ship created for war, the same type she, a teenager, had been on several times while fighting in a galaxywide war she didn't understand and thought 'This is home'. She knew that was the life a Jedi had nowadays but still, it's not like the GAR would let me inlist in the army if I wasn't a Jedi.

After admiring the sight from her room for a while Ahsoka got back to the bed and picked up her clothes. Coruscant's buildings and architecture was truly breathtaking, even with all the flaws. Once getting on the leggings, red dress and boots she made sure her headdress was right and then got out of her and Anakin's shared cuarters. Breakfast was the best way to start the day, even if the time for that had already passed long ago and it was nearing lunch.

At the same time Anakin had finnished breakfast and was walking back slowly, something with Rex was bothering him. The way he looked after finding out Ahsoka was still sleeping. Anakin had had his suspisions for a while that they were more than friends. He could sense Ahsoka sneaking out from her room during the night and Rex being distracted whenever she was around. He had no idea about the dept of their relation but there was definently something up between them.

He could not be mad at her for breaking the code however, after all he was even married. But thinking of them as a couple made him upset. She was his padawan and he his clone captain, however Anakin knew that he was just being overprotective.  Ahsoka was basically an adult even if her technical age was 16, she was a well-trained Jedi and had fought in a war. Anyone saying she couldn't make her own desicions was a fool he knew. And Rex, Anakin knew he was taking good care of her, not that she needed it. He was a good soldier, and most importantly a good man. Anakin just worried about what would happen if the Council found out.

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