Chapter 3 - Reunion

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They had finnished eating and discussing and Jesse had told that Rex probably was in the training halls and that Ahsoka's best chance to find him was there, so that was where she was now heading.

She put her grey tray back in the middle of the messhall along with the others, then said goodbye and walked the long corridors to the entrance. She took a speederbike after sending a message to Anakin saying she went with Fives to train shooting. She knew she shouldn't lie, but was pretty sure he was already suspicious of her meeting Rex all the time.

Ahsoka loved the wind against her face when the capitalplanet's buildings passed under her. The windows reflected the sun and glittered down below the lane she was in. She aimed down against a small hangar next to the training facility and landed. Commander Thorn and a couple of other clones from the Coruscant Guard exited the building and saluted her. Their unique redpainted armour was easy for her to recognise.

"- At ease boys, I'm just here on personal business," she told them after locking the speeder and they relaxed their stance just a bit.

"- Commander Tano, how may I help you?" Ahsoka tried getting eyecontact with Thorn when he spoke but only the black glass of his helmet stared back at her.

"- I heard Rex is here? I wish to speak with him." Her voice sounded formal and was straight to the point.

"- Of course Sir, one of my men will escort you," Commander Thorn answered and signaled to the nearest trooper who saluted, turned and then waited for her to go with him.

"- Thank you Thorn," she told and then walked inside the box-shaped building together with the trooper. Paying respect to the clones was important. Of course orders were orders but they were just as much people like her. A bit off kindness could go a long way to gain their actual respect, her master had early on taught her that. She could always make them do as she told or she could have them choose it because they trusted her judgement and had respect towards her.

The long corridor with electric light made Ahsoka's eyes hurt while they went, and the boring metal surrounding felt like a box. Her montrals were filled with the echoing noices from the whole building and gave her the slightest headache. The clone trooper walked next to her with straight back and his weapon over his shoulder. Even without using the force it was easy for her to notice him being tense.

"- What's your name?" She asked to break the ice, the clone was silent for a moment and then answered the question.

"- I am CT-4637 Sir." Ahsoka turned her head and looked at him and hastly he added: "But my friends call me Blade."

"- It is nice to meet you Blade, and you can call me Ahsoka or Commander. How long have you been stationed here?" Conversations in the Temple were always so boring and formal in Ahsoka's mind, so talking with the clones always felt nice. Although most of them were very prim in the start since she had a higher rank her experiences told her that they really just held up an act.

They continued talking and Blade gradually started to relax a little bit as the conversation went on and they introduced themselves properly. They passed several training-halls with both mattresses for wrestling and boxing aswell as shooting-practice. She had been there only e few times but felt like each she had learnt new things or become better at something.

They took a few turns and it all started to feel more and more like a maze as they went on and Ahsoka saw how after each corner only waited another identical corridor.

"- Hope to meet you again some time Commander." After a while they stopped to look out over a small training hall with lowered floor. In the corner Ahsoka saw Rex shooting with his blasters at moving targets in the air and jumping away to avoid the ones that got too close.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backWhere stories live. Discover now