The beginning of the end was their end

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About 3am, all of them wakes up from their dream and screams, they all ran downstairs and say are we dead, it this the afterlife.

Ashley: we aren't dead, we were blessed
Chanice: this is not the time to say being dead is a blessing
Ashley: that was a dream of the possible future
Alfy: when the banshee touched all of us, she installed within us the dreams of our death....
Ashley: exactly!!!

14 hours ago...

"Stephanie bleeding from her ears while omega holds her with magic to her neck"

Stephanie: kill me and you won't know how you will die
Omega: tell me and I'd spare your life
Stephanie: *chants* "fez cas tos, replicae envisionaire"

"Omega snaps her neck"

Present.... "4am"

Gwen: my mom broke the rules of being a banshee
Ashley: she showed us the exact future
Mikela: we all are going to die, how blissfull
Ralph: now we know it wouldn't be the exact future but the possible future, we will change the cause of our action
Alfy: we end this today and nobody dies
Ralph: I summoned God's thunder from the sky, I have to try repeat that
Gwen: I hope you can
Ralph: alfy do us a favour and don't go on full blood Mary
Alfy: that didn't seem like me at all, I felt invisible
Gwen: because your not an ordinary mimicking witch, you are a God, hell magic doesn't work on you only that of a God
Alfy: omega knows God magic
Gwen: she does but God magic is tricky if it handled by the wrong hand, she avoids using it always
Alfy: this could help
Gwen: hell magic too is dangerous, the right way when casted, affects even a God, don't be too in a haste
Chanice: we should listen to the girl, she's our only hope
Gwen: God's magic and hell power are equal, when hell magic is used on a God it wouldn't affect only if the God is in full power like you did in our dreams
Ralph: it's dangerous
Gwen: it is but it's our only hope
Alfy: it will be my last resort!

2 hours ago "3 am"......
Omega wakes up and talks to herself

Omega: Those children, those kids killed me but now I will show no mercy to anyone, they will die good and quick, that banshee did show me the future, too bad I killed her

Present 8am

Ashley: let's give the war to omega
Ralph: let's go

Before they could leave the house, omega already awaits them in front of their home

Omega: you kids might be dumb but smart to bring the fight to me, but I'm faster
Ralph: a little bird told me I killed you
Omega: yeah I killed the bird who told us

Gwen runs towards her and trys screaming, omega looks towards her mouth and uses magic to hold the echoing in her mouth and her head burst and blood filled the ground

Omega: I killed her mom and I just killed the daughter, I'd find another banshee to help me
Ralph: help you do what?
Omega: open the gates to the underworld

Mikela and mikel combine together as one and runs towards Omega, Omega raises them on thin air and holds her hand up and their heart flew out and omega catches it

Omega: big for nothing, I wouldn't move from my spot till you all are dead

Ashley begins chanting a killing spell, omega pinches her hand and Ashley mouth held shut, omega flings her hand and Ashley throat splitted and she bled out and died.

Alfy: no ooooooooo
Omega: yessssssss

Alfy goes into blood rage and mimicks everyone powers at once, she vamps speed punches omega on the jaw upwards,  omega flew up, ralph vamps speed jump and matched her the ground, chanice dugs her hand into her chest, and her hand gets stocked and chanice faded like dust, alfy tries dig her hand, ralph stops her, alfy looks at him and use magic to push him away,  omega vamps speed stands up and summon hell fire from underneath alfreda, and alfreda burnt, before omega could complete the burning, ralph vamps siphons omega from the head and removed her powers temporarily, he vamps speed backwards and runs with vamp speed and punched out omegas heart and flat out her head and her body fell down and ralph shouted " ignatum infinite" her body lit on fire

Ralph runs up to alfreda and tries healing her

Alfreda: behind you!!!

Ralph turns and omega grabs him by the neck while siphoning him

Omega: you think and I'd come out here foolishly again, I used dark magic and created a second me who I controlled through dream walking and you killed it, right now you die the same way
Ralph: that's smart but siphoning me who's a God is endless why don't I give you more power?

Ralph shouts and thunders strikes down towards them, ralph and omega siphons from it till they both died ...

Alfy began crying and weeping badly, she decides to try black magic, she began chanting " de fus tere fez ma tos, kai fa ralph,chanice,Ashley,mikel,mikela" immediately her neck snaps on its own because a life is paid with a life and she shared her power within them to retain their life span...

They all woke up from the dead, and saw alfy power leaving her and entering them, immediately alfy exploded and a beam hit straight in to the moon and it glowed red for 5 minutes straight and turned normal back.

The gates of tortured witches open and morgause jumped out and it closed back behind her....

The squad mourns alfy, ralph tries call his biological parents and a police man answered and said your parents are dead, died of choking with any form of marks on the neck, I'm sorry they are gone alongside every single family member of the name cresodel or crescent, ralph asks what happened in a distorted voice, the police man replied, investigation have been closed 2 weeks ago due to lack of evidence nor proof, we tried reached you all but none of you lines where reachable, ralph ends the call and lies down and cries himself to sleep

NARRATOR: Finally you've heard of my death, how do you feel, being dead sucks, but wait one more thing, how did morgause escaped the land of tortured witches ??

The end......

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