The Gods

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NARRATOR: 2000 years ago........
Humans saw my ancestor as demigods/Gods who was sent to protect them from all danger, and natural disaster, the Gods chose when it's to rain, they could hold the rain, they could grow plant within a minute and make it germinate.
The humans loved the fact that everything became so simple for them, humans out of being greedy decided to steal the power for themselves, they made the Gods bleed and drank their blood, for any human who drank their blood, their soul would be lost forever if they die, and bad luck and danger will always cross their path.

Human began wars against the gods 150 years later, that's when the Queen of cresodel put a spell upon them, no human will leave more than 100 years, and the king of crescent put a spell upon those who seeks out their blood, that they'll thirst for blood and the sun will bind them in the day, thier strength they wish will be their downfall, immortality will be their downfall, he blesses them with knowledge to live and give unto people and speed, the king of cresodel puts a curse on the human that hunts them with wolves, that the full moon will bind them to turn to a wolf, everything ability of wolf will be theirs a blessing to their curse. The Queen of the crescent puts a curse on earth, as the humans walk on earth their memories of the gods will be gone, until they witness the power of a gods would they remember as their blessing.

The four Gods, the king and Queen of both family were punished for their misdeeds and abuse of powers, mother nature puts them to eternity of sleep and only the hybrid of their curse could awaken them.

PRESENT... (2022)

3 months later after alfreda graduation, within those three months, alfreda learns all about the magical world and the mistakes of their ancestor, while alpha finds a way to raise the gods and she finds a scroll which talks about the"HYBRID", It was hard for alpha to find a vampire, she remembers one of a friend who she kept his secret as a blood thirst supernatural, she summons him and use the last strength from the thaicore to move a supernatural through time and space to her location, he appeared to her and he recalls her name and alpha, and alpha called his name was zed, they both hugged each other, alpha begs him to go on a werewolf hunt for her, zed was glad to see her and work with her, he quickly moves fast out of the fortress with excess speed of light, within 24hrs zed brings a female wolf to alpha.

Alpha fed her with zed blood and alpha snaps her fingers and the girls neck snapped along with it, zed was shocked, he tell her you can't turn a supernatural without them dying, alpha tells him they don't need regular blood to turn, they need the blood of the ancestor who place the curse on them, and alpha tells him that she's a direct line from the ancestor. The girl wakes up with hunger in her eyes as her was filled with blood thirst,  alpha feeds her blood from her hand and the creation of a hybrid was done. Alpha keeps the girl in a boundary spell, she becomes part werewolf and blood thirst supernatural.

PRESENT DAY: alfreda leaves for school with the new car her mom got her, a BMW,  she leaves for university, alfreda gets to the university and goes to her dorm, she had two roommate there already, their names were Ashley and chanice, Ashley was witch and chanice was human . The three became so close and knew each other secrets after months a being together

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