The God's might indeed be nice

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The following day, ralph announces the news of finding a new house outside campus, the girls where so happy and decided on packing there that same day, chanice asks ralph on the road " are you rich ", ralph replies laughing saying "have you seen my power lately?, I'm a God, how won't I be rich", Ashley cuts him short saying " a God fr?", alfy tells Ashley "yes, we are God's", chanice shouts "that's nice", ralph tells the girls " we ain't ordinary God's, we are twins God's, the strongest of them all, twins God's are rare in my family, the only twin God in history was the second generation of our first ancestor"

Ralph narrates: The twins God's are the most powerful being in the supernatural world, they are the alphas of alphas, 2000 years ago, you hardly see the twin God's, only when its necessary, people started thinking its a myth, they are unkillable even by nature, nature sees them as the balance of all supernatural, a twin God doesn't die or else another twin is being giving birth to, history says it was the twins God's that put the four God's to eternal sleep because of creating an undoable curse, but people do say its mother nature curse. A twin God can be killed by only a secret weapon of defense incase they go mad, but no one can possess the weapon because it kills instantly, it is said its only the purest of heart that can wield the weapon, it is also said there's a supernatural that his hidden all around the world, their supernatural job is to kill an unkillable being.

Conversation between ralph,alfy,chanice and Ashley

Chanice: wow your family is literally fucked up!
Alfy: it's not actually fucked up, it's just messed up
Ralph: well I love messed up
Alfy: we are so different even tho we are twin
Ralph: no twin is really the same, I happen to be special
Ashley: well I'm a Salem witch
Ralph: yeah I know about you Salem witches
Ashley: oh how??, I know must stuff but not all
Ralph: well you guy are referred as nature's children blessed with powers on keeping balance in the supernatural world.
Ashley: I feel powerful sometimes, but I'm not a coven leader, they are strong, they tap from our magic which makes them stronger
Chanice: so ralph, what about vampires?
Ralph: vampires are ruthless creatures, there are two types of vampires, the vampires created by the God's and the vampires created by witches
Chanice: two types, any difference?
Ralph: a witches vampires are created as a weapon and protection, the sun doesn't bind them during the day if they are protected by a charmed jewellery, but God's vampires are created by curse, nothing can protect them from the sun. It's being said only witches vampire can turn a human, the older the vampire, the stronger and faster, A God's vampires goes only 2000 years back and they are strong, but witches vampires goes about 5000 years back
Chanice: that makes me a witch vampire because my necklace protects me from the sun, curtesy of Ashley.
Ralph: who turned you tho?
Chanice: my hookup crush, well we beat him up and compelled him
Ralph: you compelled a fellow supernatural, not possible
Ashley: I helped.
Ralph: you know it's against coven rules?
Ashley: I know, are you a witch or something, you and alfy?
Alfy: I wasn't a witch uptill when the twin died and I somehow absorb her powers, I do mimicks powers!
Ralph: alfy have you learnt nothing?, we aren't called witches just because we do spells and etc. We are creatures of magic, they call us witches doesn't mean we are.
Ashley: well I'd call you a witch.
Ralph: cool, I'm not really a witch like my sister, I'm like a half witch, which means I only draw power from things created of magic.
Ashley: a siphoning witch God, so nice. Are you dating tho?
Ralph: I don't do dating, it's overrated
Ashley: that's makes both of us
Ralph: welcome to our humble home.

As they all park the car and steps out, the meet the four God's on their front porsche, chanice vamps speed and tries to snap one of em neck, ralph immediately tells her stop but chanice vamps speed, aurora focuses her mind and chanice felt this intense pain in her head as her head melts, Anastasia use stem and holds ralph, ralph laughed and began floating on thin air as his eyes turned blue, he siphons from the root and keeps floating on thin air, he holds Anastasia up on thin air and uses magic and pushes her on the road and she hits her head on the car wind shield and her necked snapped, Philip floats up to ralph on thin air and tells him we are here to talk, ralph laughs and says no can't, Philip replies "so be it, you can't talk due to mouth injury and your having a panic attack because of your having high blood pressure" ralph falls from the air on the ground and began sweating and feeling uncomfortable, Philip tells him " I'm a God of healing but I can give you something worse than healing" Philip tells him " your leg just broke, your blind", ralph laughs on the ground and tells Philip "the thing about magic is that I'm an absorber" ralph stands up, Philip with shock steps back, ralph squeeze his hands tight and Philip couldn't breathe, Ralph snaps his neck with magic, aurora stills holds chanice down with Ashley,  chanice bears the pain and vamp speed and snap aurora neck, aurora laughed and turned head back to normal without dying, aurora increases the pain and chanice starts bleeding from the eyes,  ralph stretches his hands towards aurora and siphons on the power and made her weak and she fainted, zues shoots fire from his hand (blue fire) ralph jumps and holds zues hand tries siphoning, it was much, hell fire isn't supposed to be siphoned much, alfy walks upto zues and holds his head, he bled from his ears,nose,mouth and eyes and he fainted.

Ashley uses magic and carry them inside and tie them up and spelled the rope

After hours all God's woke up refilled with full strength,  zues tells them they just want to talk. Alfy tells them well talk.


Anastasia: children won you all in a fight
Aurora: you died first, how weak
Anastasia: his a siphoning God, what do you expect
Philip: enough you all
Zues: There's great danger coming for us all
Chanice: the only danger we face it's you
Zues: omega I'd coming for us all and plans on destroying the lineage.
Alfy: she's dead
Ralph: she's not, it's said she travels around and she's immortal
Alfy: does she has powers tho?
Zues: she's just like ralph, your twin, she was a siphoning witch, she was casted because her powers weren't full.
Alfy: that's why she was casted out
Zues: it's the rules we the God's made
Ralph: I'm so glad I wasn't in that age, I would have killed you fr
Alfy: she called the red hair girl
Zues: and she's coming for us all
Ashley: but you can't die and what's with her
Zues: she grew mad over  the years and was turned by a vampire so she could have our revenge whenever we wake up and destroy the full God line
Ashley: a witch can't be a vampire
Zues: she's not a witch but a creature of magic and siphoners aren't full creatures of magic, when they are turned their powers are retained.
Aurora: the are called the heretics of hell
Anastasia: you all only have two options to defeat her
Alfy: what's that?
Aurora: merge with your twin or ralph becomes a heretic of hell and looses his God's power.
Ralph: weren't you asleep for centuries, how do you know about omega
Aurora: she's part of my blood line and yours too, I could watch whatever happens in my bloodline, its like a dream
Zues: so will you merge or you become a heretic
Aurora: merging is off choice and the weaker on dies, but don't force us to make you a heretic
Ralph: four of you can't beat me in spar talkmore of turning me
Aurora: have you learnt about my other power?
Ralph: don't care

Chanice vamps speed and holds aurora throat, aurora smiles and her eye glowed red and chanice let's go of her and bites her hand and force feed ralph her blood, chanice vamps speed to ralph back before he could siphon her, she snaps his neck and ralph fell dead, alfy was surprised and shouted what did you do?,

Aurora: that power I displayed now comes once in hundred years and last for 10 minutes

Chanice wakes up from the mind control and was shocked on what she did.

Ralph wakes up and feeds on aurora.

Ralph: when a new vampires feeds on a God he automatically becomes an original vampire,  and I'm still a heretic, which makes me an original heretic, I might be stripped of my God power because of you but I can do what no human does, I'm the first original heretic, I can compell all supernatural, even a God, I'm faster than all supernatural and the strongest and I still practice magic,  how deadly

Aurora: are you mad, what did you do?
Philip: once a new vampire feeds on God they die with hours
Zues: abomination is what you become
Ralph: once a mere supernatural kills a God, they inherit their Godly power, well I'm back being a God.
Ashley: that's bad ass
Alfy: don't hype him, his still normal and we have to face the battle between a heretic
Ralph: I could take her on my own
Zues: you can't, she practices God's magic and ancestral/natural magic, she'd kill you on sight.
Philip: we are doomed.

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