i can't do this anymore

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NARRATOR (AFLREDA): I skipped something at my introduction,well not easy for me to say it, but guess what I'm dead. I really can't talk about it right now so let's get on with my life.

After the tragedy of a birthday I went to school, well I was in my senior year and I had exams, I had this reoccurring vision of someone life, I couldn't really tell cause I kept on dismissing it.

Everyone one of my friends were expecting their university acceptance application letter, we all got home and had our letter in our room awaiting opening,   I was too afraid to open mine, my friends from the group kept on sending lots of messages saying they were accepted, I finally had the courage to open mine in the night and a line in the letter got me, it said " I'm sorry you weren't accepted into our college, you could come to university for an exam to determine your admission into the university" I Broke into tears and went to the university the following morning, I was expecting a written exams but It wasn't what was given to me, rather it was a conversation between me and the head of the university, he asked few questions which I definitely failed, I was so worked up I had to compell without me knowing, my eyes glowed blue and and he was bent on doing whatever I asked, he kept saying "command me princess of princesses" I didn't know what to do but tell him to accept me into the college as a full time student, he immediately stamped my approval papers, I didn't know how to stop whatever I did, I left him like that. After 2 days, in the news it was reported that the head of the university of arts had ran mad and was sent to psychiatric hospital. I had this intensive feeling it was my fault,  after school I went to my dad's mom house and explained to her what happened, she said to me that my powers is growing unchecked, she said to me he was under absolute mind compulsion, she said, if he or she isn't snapped out of it, they'll die within days, I was scared and I asked her how to undo what I did, she told me to close my eyes and clear my head and activate my powers at a full level ( my eyes glowing darker blue) and I should tell him his free from his duties, she tells me I have alot to learn about my past, especially who I inherited the power from, I said to her I will always learn but not now. I told her I was going to the psychiatric hospital to do what she said, she said it wasn't necessary that I could do it from here, I asked how, she tells me that I'm always connected to whoever I compelled, I closed my eyes and tried accessing my full powers and when I opened it, my eyes glowed red and my grandmother was worried that my powers might be worse than my ancestor, when my eyes opened I saw the head master, he felt glad to see me, and immediately told him his free of his duties and he immediately snapped back to normal, then I shut my eyes closed and I felt the flow back of power and I opened my eyes it was back to brown

My grandmother warned me never to access my full power it could be dangerous, I asked why and she said she has to check her inventory, I told her let's do it together, we checked and it was once omega eyes glowed red and compelled the full villagers, it was recorded as the the blood rage, it comes from full pain and mine came from peace, that was the difference, my grandmother worried what will happened if i accessed that power with rage.

I complained to my grandmother of my visions, she tells me to meditate with her, I held her hands and she told me to try get that visions again, I tried but it didn't come, my grandmother said to me there's another way to access the visions, she said to me going back in time, she asked me when I got the visions and she snapped her hands and I was back home and the other me was sleeping having a bad dream (the visions) my grandmother and I touched her head (me) and we were able to tap into the visions and she snapped her hands and we were back to where we were, she said she has seen that face in the visions before but she couldn't remember, I told her I needed to head home that whenever she recalls she should tell me.


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