another bloodline

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NARRATOR(alfreda): There's this story my dad's mom always tells me, the story of the minor family. About 1000 years ago, the cresodel family was divided into two, I am part of the major family, the major family are direct family from the bloodline of the original Gods, while the minor family is from the bloodline of the made Gods, the made Gods are humans embedded with enough magic to make them Gods.


alfreda heads for class, getting to the class, she met a very handsome guy, alfreda was so shy she sat away from him. After the class the guy walks up to alfreda and asks her name, she replies "alfreda", my name is "kristol ralph", alfreda replies " nice meeting you kris. Alfreda immediately walks out of the class and heads for her dorm.

Alfreda walks into the room and she finds kris on her bed, alfreda with shock whispered a spell " aspringa" kris siphon the power from the air, alfreda tells kris "who the hell are you?", kris replies "that's no way to talk to your twin brother", alfreda laughs and said to him "I have no twin brother", kris tells her " why did you feel a connection with me?", alfreda replies "that's what they call a crush, please leave my room or face me, if I had a brother my mom would have told me", kris replies " they taught I was dead and I was taken away" alfreda tells him to get out or something bad will happen,  kris tells her "your magic is no match for me"

Chanice walks into the room after overhearing the full conversation, she vamps speed and holds his neck and raises him up, kris on thin air without ability to breathe tells chanice " your made out of magic, which means I could do this" kris touches her and siphon the magic out of her while chanice felt pain and began to rot dead, chanice let's go of kris and kris told them "I'm not hear to fight but if you need one I'd give you, I'm here to meet my sis and my parents, that's all"

The following day, alfreda enters her car heading for home, kris immediately hops into the car and says we going together, alfreda mimicks his power and touched him and tried siphoning, kris replied " you can't siphon from your twin", alfreda tells him not to make a sound in their journey or she kills him on a spot, kris laughed and said OK please call me ralph not kris, alfreda agrees

3hrs later, they get home to their parents house, and they both walk in, alfreda dad asks alfreda "is this your boyfriend?", she replies "no dad, he claims to be my twin", with shock alfreda dad sits down and says not true, he died 19 years, ralph replies " well I didn't die, I'm well and alive", alfreda mom walks in and screams and says "who's this", alfy replies "my twin brother, he claims", alfreda mom tells them it's true, she runs upstairs and got a picture and showed alfy of her and her father when they were young, alfy looks at the picture and looks at ralph and was amazed how the ralph is the spitting image of the dad, ralph replies nah, I'm finer, alfreda dad and mom hugged him and alfreda tells him, nice to meet you, ralph siphon power from alfy and makes alfy unconscious, Michael, alfy dad, tries puppeteer ralph, ralph siphon his power from far without making physical contact, ralph tells them he doesn't want to fight but install within them his 19 years memory of the pain he felt and how he lived and was maltreated, he start casting a still spell and the parents couldn't move, he touched the both of them head and his eyes turned white while the parents turned black and he installs his memory, ralph moves back and does an undoing spell and alfy wakes up and the parents started crying,  alfy shouted while crying with intense anger and she says "what did you do to them?" She closes her eyes and opens it and it glowed black and red, she uses spell and push him across the room, shouted he didn't do anything bad, alfy holds his neck with magic and ralph couldn't breathe, Ralph laughs and says we are twins, I could do what you do better  alfy with distorted voice says "can't wait for you to try" ralph eyes turned black and blue, and from far, he siphon his sister and he reversed the spell and holds her neck with magic and raises her on thin air,  he teleports towards her whispered a spell " ignatum" before that alfy mimicked his power  alfy began to burn and she siphon the power from the fire and it quenched, alfy parents regains consciousness and shouted stop, alfy filled with anger tries to kill the brother, Mike puppeteer alfy and calms her down  ralph said thanks dad, she was about to enter blood rage, which will force me to enter blood rage.

Ralph and the parents talked for hours and reconciled and ralph and alfy heads for school that evening, on the road , alfy apologies to ralph and tells him she wasn't in control for the first time, ralph tells her that it's normal, Ralph's asks "did you know we were Gods?", alfy replies "No", ralph tells her " well now you know, are powers are heightened, that's why I could siphon from far", alfy tells him well we have a lot to do, ralph replies "well can't wait, I need some drama I my life and I love fighting, I always trained from small", that's good, I started training last yea. They both laughed, ralph told her about them having their own house, they all could contribute, alfy found the idea cool and plans on telling the girls.

On the road, the four Gods stopped them and told them to come down, ralph comes down and said so you're the famous God's?, Anastasia laughs and said " watch your mouth boy", aroura tells them don't even try you cute spells doesn't work on a God, ralph replies " who said are spells are cute, that's incredibly stupid of you, we are the twin gods so let's see how cute are spells are", ralph siphon the four Gods at once from far and the God's were weak, alfy shouted a spell " acripto ignatum" the God's began burning, ralph and alfy enters the car and head for school.

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