Alpha's twin OMEGA

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Years ago.....

Omega and alpha's parents name's were aithusa and Mildred, about 20 years ago before the twins were born.

Aithusa: I need a child Mildred, I can't stay without a child forever
Mildred: mi amor, if its the God's wish, we will have a child
Aithusa: you're a man, give me a child of my own
Mildred: OK amor, let's eat and talk of this no more, for this night we shall a bear a child of ours
Aithusa: te amor

5 months later....
After several trial of having a child, aithusa gives up hope and calls herself a mistake of a woman on this earth, aithusa goes up to the cresodel burial home and lies on the floor and cries to the ancestor for a child, a dead witch of about 300 years ago appeared to aithusa.

Madonna: why do you cry?
Aithusa: who are you (In shock)
Madonna: be not afraid for I cause no harm
Aithusa: I'd leave now
Madonna: aithusa you came seeking a child, I alone have the power
Aithusa: I can't let my hunger for child deceive me, you bear the mark of a cast out witch ( a witch banned from the coven due to using black magic)
Madonna: fear not for you shall bear a child
Aithusa: no I shall pass on your offer
Madonna: *laughs* it's done.
Aithusa: what's done?
Madonna: before I was casted out, they killed my unborn set of twins and you shall bear them, their power will be great, do not let them down for you shall bear a great consequence
Aithusa: *in shock* I've got get home now.

8 months later, aithusa was 1 months away from birth and she feels this intense pain of labour

Aithusa: Mildred (she yells)

In shock Mildred runs out and go call for delivery women, twin 2 kept siphoning energy from the mother during delivery which made aithusa weak

8 hours later due midnight 11:22, twin 1 alpha was born, by 11:59 midnight, twin 2 omega was born

20 years later, Aithusa kept the secret of the child birth from her husband.

Mildred: omega!!!
Alpha: she's by the river
Mildred: go get your sister

Alpha comes back with omega

Mildred: omega you lack power which is bestowed upon a crescent and cresodel family, its been 2 years since you passed 18 and no signs of power like your sister

Alpha: dad, she will figure it out, you speak ill of her

Omega: papa, its not my fault I do not bear the power you wish for me

Aithusa walks in the conversation . ....

Omega: mama, papa keeps talking ill of me
Aithusa: according to our custom a child who do bear power shall be casted out, he only cares for you
Mildred: the full family visit by first light tomorrow and I need not your presence in this house and do not come back till you get your power
Alpha: I'd go with her
Aithusa: alpha you shall go no where

Omega gets angry and leaves immediately and that was the last they saw from omega, the following days ahead alpha did same in search of her sister.


Ralph: where are we?
Alfy: I don't know for sure how we got here
Omega: hello my descendants!!
Chanice: why do you so much look like alfy?
Ashley: she's alfy ancestor!
Alfy: you do look so much like me but seems I'm more prettier
Ralph: omega where are we? (In a loud voice)
Omega: watch your mouth little boy, you don't speak to me in that manner
Ralph: or you'll do what? Attack me?
Omega: this a dream world, you'd know how it works soon.
Alfy: I can feel your powers, which means our powers works here
Ashley: let's make her wish she never did this

Ashley walks further omega and uses magic to push her, omega walks forward and siphons the magic from the air and omega vamps speed towards Ashley,  Ashley startles, omega holds her face and says " how cute?" And snaps her neck, Ashley falls dead.

Alfy gets angry and mimicks omega power and vamps speed towards her and says " I have the same power as you", alfy holds omega neck and omega holds the hand she uses and breaks the hand and she nods alfy and dogs her hand inside her chest brings out her heart and alfy falls dead

Chanice: do I have a chance?

Before chanice could finish her sentence omega vamps towards her and giver an uppercut punch that pulls up her head and she falls dead.

Ralph: they were easy opponents but didn't expect my twin to be so stupid
Omega: I see your the wise one and strongest I guess
Ralph: well you guessed right
Omega: so what are you?
Ralph: why don't I show you?

Ralph vamps speed behind Omega and punch her from the back while siphoning her and Omega vamps turns and says "you're a vampire", guess again, ralph vamps speed and punch her on the face super fast and strong and uses magic to push her, and Omega began bleeding and she heals up immediately

Omega: you're a witch and vampire which means you're just like me, a heretic!!, you must be a siphoning witch, which made you had a chance towards me
Ralph: why don't you guess again??

Omega stands with vamp speed and run towards Ralph and tries punching, ralph holds her and siphon from it and Omega bends with vamp speed and clears him down before Ralph could land on the ground she punches him

Omega: your strong!! But not as me I'm a heretic of hell which makes you nothing to me
Ralph: you speak of such courage, I'm a heretic God
Omega: you were once a God not when you're a vampire,  a heretic God hasn't existed for over 3000 years
Ralph: I lost my God power but I got it back when I fed from a God which rendered the God dead and the powers bestowed on me, you need to fear me Omega
Omega: over my dead ass body

Ralph vamps speed towards Omega, Omega dodges and vamps speed to his back and she dugs her hand into his heart from the back and siphons directly from the source of power and she brings out her hand along with his heart and ralph falls dead.

Immediately Ralph wakes up on the real world.

Alfy: you took long to wake up which means you had fighting chance against her
Ralph: yes I made her bleed but she's well skilled, she ripped out my heart while siphoning it
Chanice: atleast you guys had a fighting chance,  I didn't move a muscle
Alfy: well I'm a God and she killed me with swag
Ashley: being a witch is not cool
Chanice: I will rip that bitch apart the next time we cross part.
Ashley: let's head for class it's day
Ralph: I'm not going
Alfy: you are!!

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