42 chapter

43 1 0

Third pov

"Why do you have to go back to Malaysia again so fast?" Han asked with sad face on.

Jisung's family was getting ready to go to the airport.

"Honey you know that we're really busy with business" his mom answered.

"I'm going to miss you" Jisung said and went to hug his family, then letting go of them so they don't miss their flight.

Han walked them to their car helping them with their luggage. When they went of he walked back in.

The time was 7am so there were two hours until Jisung's shift begin.

Minho's parents were still in his house as they were going to stay there few more days and then go to the Filipins for a vacation from work.

Minsung were now cuddling in Minho's room so Jisung's happiness could come back to him and have motivation for work.


Minho just dropped Han off in front f the company. He walked in side to the studio room where Chan and Changbin were waiting for him.

"So how was the dinner last night?" Chan spoke.

"It was ok. Our parents were good with us begin together and it turned out that our mom's were childhood friends" Han answered him.

"Did you and Minho had fun?" Changbin asked with his usual smirking face on.

"When will you stop asking this question?"

"Until I get answer"

"And what about you and Felix? Haven't you two fucked yet?"

"Aye don't change the subject"

"I'm not changing it. It's the same about having sex but you're trying to avoid it when it comes to both of us"

"Ok both of you stop before you start a fight and we end up in the CEO's office" Chan broke their ready to fight situation.

The two boys went to their seats and stayed silent for the rest of the day in their minds wondering how to apologise one another.

In the 3racha dorm after work

"Ugh I can't stand it anymore. Either you two apologise right now or we stop the making the next album and end our contract" Chan spoke in his really rare used angry voice.

The two younger boys jumped in their places and looked at Chan.

They got up and walked in front each other.

"I'm sorry hyung/Jisung that I didn't apologise about our fight in the studio" the two boys spoke at the same time then making an eye contact realizing.

They begin to laugh loud with Chan joining them.

"I'm sorry Jisung. I shouldn't have asked you that question but I wanted to tease you little" Changbin said as he stopped laughing and could breath properly again.

"It's ok hyung I also shouldn't have talked back to you that way, after all you're my hyung and like a second older brother to me"

"Aw that so cute- wait what about me? Aren't I like a brother to you?" Chan asked

"No you're like a more strict version of my father"

"Am I that old to you?"

"No you're that strict to me and Changbin hyung" Han and Changbin started to laugh again.

When Chan was about get up and walk away the two younger boys jumped on him luckily Chan's laptop wasn't in his hands.

"Don't be mad at us we were just joking you know that we love you a lot" Han said in sad voice with both him and Changbin using the puppy eyes.

"You guys know that I can't stay mad at you for too long" Chan said as they all hugged.

They separated from hug and got up from the floor.

"What do you want to order? It's all on me tonight" Chan spoke again and the boy's eyes lit up.

3racha chose a restaurant and ordered their food that arrived after half an hour but it was still warm.

With Minho

After Minho dropped off Jisung he went back to his house to pick up his parents and then he drove to their company.

His parents went to their office while Minho went to the audition room and accepted few new trainees.

Then he went to his own dancing room cause he had a task to make a choreography for one of their boy groups.

At lunch

Minho finally had a break and decided to the nearest coffee shop.

He bought a coffee and slice of chocolate cake.

After he drank his coffee and ate the cake he wen back to creating the choreography.

Around 4pm he was done with the choreography and called the boys to another practice room.

They were going to debut soon and Minho wanted to make sure that they debut with the best song and dance.

The song was obviously done so they had only to learn the dance and then shoot the MV.

Minho was surprised and proud to see that the group was learning the steps fast and without mistake.

It was time for the boys to go home and they had to learn only the end but are going to finish that tomorrow.

Minho went to his parents' office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" he heard his father shout.

He walked in and closed the door behind himself.

"Hi son is there something wrong?" his mom asked.

"No I just came by cause i'm done for today and wanted to see if you need help with anything" he answered her.

"Ah ok and we're almost done. Go sit don't stand by the door." she said.

Minho went to the couch and sat down. After that his mom came and sat down next to him.

"So how are you today?" she asked.

"Ok I guess"

"You guess? Why is that?"

"Han hasn't called me all day"

"He must be busy sweetheart don't worry"

"Yeah he indeed said that this month will be very busy for him and the boys"

"Why don't you call him? His shift should be already over"

"Ok i'll call him. I know that he was in my house this morning but I miss him"

"I know that feeling. I was the same when your dad went on a world tour with his group back then."


"Yeah I remember back then your father and were secretly dating and he had to on his first world tour that wasn't exactly world tour but more likely Korean and Japanese tour. I was really afraid that something might happen to him while flying that I myself snuck in the plane and hid as best as possible but I was caught by on of the staff members."

"You really did that?" Minho interrupted her.

"Yes now let me continue. As I was saying I got caught and he was looking at me trying as hard as possible not laugh at the fact that I was caught and because of me the tour to Japan had to be canceled and re-scheduled. You're dad wasn't mad at me but they found out that were dating and soon enough our groups were just disbanding so we left and created this company"

"Wow you guys would really do something like this for each other" Minho was shocked as he never thought that his parents would do something like this.

Minho took out his phone and called Han but walked out of the room and went to another as he knew that this would distract his father.

Hi baby's hope that you're ok. Love you. Bye<3

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