She took a step back and fell off the roof. She grabbed the lower roof and swung herself into the house, shattering the window. She rolled and got back on her feet before she ran through an open window and jumped into another house. She ran down the stairs and burst through the front door, hearing Aizawa gain on her.

          She tried using her quirk but it was still a no-go.

          "Son of a bitch," she cursed as she ran, jumping over fences, entering houses in hopes of dodging his capture weapon. She continously tried using her quirk and it finally worked. She jumped out the umpteenth window and was punched from the side, sending her flying. She slid across the pavement, feeling her head spin as she flipped herself onto her back.

          He punched me.

          Her classmates all gasped and winced at the sight.

          Arisa scrambled up to her feet, stumbling slightly as she flipped herself over a concrete fence,  trying to make her world stop spinning. She had twelve minutes left. Arisa peeled herself off the ground and stood up, facing her opponent squarely, just in time to see his weapon shoot towards her. She gripped it and twisted it around herself — his eyes widened and she closed up the distance between them before she threw a punch but he dodged and the two were caught in a deadly dance.

          Ten minutes.

          Everyone watching were on their feet, all watching the screen.

          Hayashi Arisa reverted into Sukehiro Arisa as her movements grew faster and sharper. Aizawa dodged earnestly, his face tense when his hits were dodged cleanly.

          Nine minutes.

          Aizawa ripped the cloth from her eyes. Her weakness. He felt bad but he did agree to take on the role of a villain. The girl's eyes were sharp and despite seeing her many times, her eyes could leave anyone breathless.

          Arisa flinched and immediately her barrage of attacks stopped as she yelled out, covering her eyes with her hands. She was in pain. Thoughts of people that weren't even in the general vincinity poured into her mind. Aizawa decided to finish this quickly and made a mistake of having the slightest of bloodlust.

          Threat. She was threatened.

          The girl reacted and ripped the scarf off his neck and swept his feet from underneath him. She was moving on auto pilot. She was moving to kill.

          Her eyes were looking but unseeing. She was like a rabid animal. She was threatened by Aizawa. She pinned him against the ground, her free hand pulling back and Aizawa's eyes widened, realizing he was going to die if he didn't stop her. He had only seen her this way once, back when she started living with him. She was distressed and his presence scared her enough to go into full on killer.


          He yelled out desperately but her hand moved.

          Five minutes.

          He moved to stop her hand.


          His hands were bound and her eyes returned to its normal warm ones. Propping herself up with one hand by his head, she looked down at him, a small, amused smirk on her lips as sweat rolled down her skin and dripped onto him. With half-lidded eyes, cheeks red and blood oozing down her nose, she whispered, "Got you."

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