A new light

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The trio of losers who just lost their jobs seat on the chairs of a bar, drinking glasses of beers, getting drunk. No one minding them because of the last months celebrations, all around everyone laughing enjoying with their friends and family but they have no joy, their faces were to serious.

"My 5 years get wasted today , just because I can't concentrate on one meeting " Says yoongi slowly and then take a large sip of the beer, already drunk to mind.

"I have lost my career just because the man was a chairman, I am never getting any job. I became a bagger" Jk voice was so cold and each held venom, he take the beer in one go.

" You both are leaving in my house and have never give me any credit, my whole life I dedicated to that casino and he just told me to get out, like I doesn't matter there. My only dream get lost in front of my eyes"tae has no expression that make him more intermediating.

They were starting to the front, wanting to blem anyone because of their one possible chance has gone.

"Whose fault is that" Jk ask

"Ours" Ask tae

Yoongi look at them then shock his head "the bi...h girl who left that disaster" He yells.

Tae replied " I never want to held kid any my life. From today now on I will not have any kid"he said.

Jk was fisting his hands, he can't held back his anger "so what we do about that garbage" He furiously yell.

Yoon replied" Through her out of out life"at that both jk and Tae look at him with not feeling any sympathy and nod.

They stood befor her who for first time look them with curious eyes and smiles as they keep looking at her. Tae take the backet where they place her in . Taking her they left her outside the church with the letter they find first time with her.

They started to go away but stop as she started to cry and open her hands to reach them. without thinking for another second they left here there crying.

Again seating in the bar they were drinking, hearing chears for for others, as they were waiting for new year countdown, it's already have  become cold and then it started to rain.

They heart feel empty and hate.

As for some time when the people cheers for wishing new years.

"New year, friends" Said jk, not in mood to celebrate it.

Tae has been dozen and then look at him asking is really good or bad to say that.

Yoon sigh loud "it's cold, I think they bring her in "

The others look at him confused then frown. Tae suddenly feel nervous "what if they don't" Ha ask.

Jk nervously laugh "it can't be, you know it's raining. They are not that heartless... " As he said that he voice get low, scared he looks back at his friends who also have same expression.

They go out from there running as they get wet in rain.

Just reaching there they stop at the sight of her lying motionless with water around her bucket and raining on her face.

Quickly they got her and run to the nearest hospital as fast as they can.

They yell, scream to nurse calling for doctor who get there after finding the situation worst.

The girl taken away from them and for the first time, they didn't want to let her go.

Numb with cold and frizzing they seat outside her word where they heard doctor giving orders.

One come to them "her condition is not good, we need to do the operation right now, so who will take her responsibility" He ask.

All of them stand up at same time and they look at each other, finally yoongi comes forward and sign.
He again ask "can someone bring new cloth and these medicines " Tae come and get the paper .

Jk turn away and hear on of the doctor speaking to nurse "I don't think we can save her, looking at her lungs fully fell with water " One tear left his eyes and he run away from there, finding the church that was with in the hospital, he seat on his knees bringing his hands in praying.

For the whole night the operation goes on making the scared .

At last yoongi and Tae join jk.

Jk say first "forgive me God, please let her safe. It's my fault that happen to her"

Tae's tears pouring down , he shack his head saying " I am sorry, it's not fair, it's my fault then punish me not her".

Yoongi was not crying but he was looking down, he mumble "I am an a...  That have deserve any bad fortune to have, never in my life I pray , so please not for us but as your child let her live".

They were worried and in pain, her face when she was giving smile coming in front of them making their heart break for what they do to her.

As in the church got bright, they stand up and run to her ward where the nurses and doctor comes out at the same time, their crying face has hope and their heart stop beating at what will happen next.

The doctor give them smile, saying "it's really miracle that she lived, god really heard you. She is asleep so don't make much sound, I am getting going now take care of her. Happy new year"

Absent mind they wish him to then quick goes in where she was place on the baby Bassinet.

Jk take a long breath, kneeling down beside her as Tae and yoongi do same on other side.

This time yoongi can't stop crying saying sorry again and again.

Tae held her hand that hold his finger making his breath stop and smiling.

Jk rub her feet bring heat to her body as her skin was cold.

They look at each other finding their purpose and look at her.

"Happy new year, baby" They said in unison making a smile comes at her face in her sleeping state.


Very emotional part but now they get serious about her so next update will be light. I will try to make it in a week, if you like this one then please vote. Always thankful for your support 😇

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