chapter twenty four

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For the past twenty four hours I had been locked in the room feeling helpless.the only person who was in conduct with me was a middle aged woman who had brought me some soup and stale bread.
I tried talking to her but she was clearly instructed not to talk with me.
I could stomach to eat anything and the cold soup and bread where still  on the table .
The door was open and some part of me was still hoping to be my savour in a shining amour but as soon as I saw Antonia all my hope vanished in the thin air.

"Are you surprised to see me or where you expecting someone else."she asks while looking at me with hatred in her eyes.

'no,am not.'

"You should be my sweet step-daughter.'she smirk.

'you aren't my mom?'i ask while not believe those words .

"Yes!yes!how could you be this foolish after how I didn't like you since your childhood."

'no!you are lying,my father couldn't keep something this big from me.'

"Don't make me laugh.your father married me after your mother left him and you know the worst part is that he always loved your mother all this years even after what she did."

"So it is true,then why pretend that you were sorry?"

'because you had to trust me so I could make my move.'

"You are such a terrible woman."

'i hated you the minute I realized your father always valued you more than your little sister Julianna.'

"You made my childhood a living hell,I thought you deserved another chance but I was wrong people like you don't change and the worst part I betrayed my husband for ungrateful woman like you."

"What do you think I should be great full off ? because your father married me?or the fact that I lied to him about Julianne been his daughter?"

'so Julianne is another one of your skims?'

"Yes! The old man died without knowing the truth at least karma was nice enough to get revenge on him for making me raise his lovers child."

"How could you possibly be this cruel?"

"Everything I did was for my daughter to live a good life but she is now on the run thanks to your ungrateful husband ."

"But my baby has nothing to do with any of this."

'it has everything to do with this,the plan was for you to pay for your sisters sin but Miguel didn't keep his words .he keeps on chasing my only daughter.'

"Then what about my life."

"Your life isn't that important,once I get my hands on Miguel's property then you all will be forgotten in this world and my daughter can live without fear."

You have such a delusional mind.

Ha!ha!ha...aaaa  Miguel is here right now and he will do as we say .nothing will get in my way.

"Miguel won't let you get away with this."

'enough chatting it's time we pay the big man a visit and see if he will sign the papers,let see who come out at the end.' she says while walking me outside.

Before long I am met with Miguel and his father.theyhave so much in common but there is a big difference between them,at one hand Jonathan is so calculative and hasty in making decisions while Miguel is calm not knowing what to expect of him.
It takes second before he notices me.he takes a step towards me when Jonathan stops him.
Something snaps and I can feeling the tension burning in the room.anytime Miguel will explode but he is holding himself back because one wrong move could make us get killed  and I can see it in his eyes that he cares for me .

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